My GF's 99 cavalier 2.2 liter just started having starting problems. Not sure were to start because i'm not to familar with GM cars. I've read some threads and found that it might be the ignition module. Either way it turns over but doesn't start everytime. Once running it runs fine, no sputtering anything. We are going on a camping trip this weekend with it and i'd like to get her running better if possible. Does this sound like a normal problem for jbodies?
Thanks everyone
not a normal problem, I would say.
At this point, it might be anything or ignition problem.
Once running and at normal operating tempeture does it restart normally? If so, It's quite possibly a fuel sending issue,i.e Fuel pump, pressure regulator..etc.
Sounds like it may be fuel system related. Cold starting puts the engine in 'open loop mode'. Not exactly what that means, other than it tries to run rich. Fuel filter? Pump still putting out psi? Regulator working/ getting a vacuum signal? Vapor canister system OK?