I totaled my '02 Cavy about a year ago and after getting all the body work finished, my driver door seemed to hang. It's still doing it and it really doesn't affect how it works, I'd just like to get it taken care of for personal reasons. It bothers me. It's all the normal symptoms, though. Seems to be harder to close, harder to open. Almost have to jerk it. Anyone have any idea on how to straighten this out?
Woooo bubbies.
Bump, someone has to know something.
Woooo bubbies.
Jordan, if the door sags downward, it is possible
to bend the hinges upward...
Takes a bottle jack, appropriate boards to put
under the door...
Open the door, put the boards in place, carefully
lift the whole car....
Sounds "ugly", I know...
A professional body shop would have a 'portapower'
hydraulic appliance that can bend door hinges
upward or downward....
What I've described has worked well, but it is crude...
Sweet, thanks. As sad as it is, my step-father has a portapower out in our garage. Shows how much he cares about my car. Anyway, I'll try and get this mess straightened out. Thanks bub.
Woooo bubbies.