For some time now when i start the car and put it in drive i will move a few feet and something will click on in the engine, i can acctually hear it kick on like when the ac is turned on in the summer, and the lights will get really dim then get really bright again. What the hell is with that? Now tonight when i came home i was outside listenin to the radio with the car running and i heard this low groan coming from somewhere. so i turn the radio off and my engine is making this weird groan sound. I rev it alittle and the engine sounds like a eletric (sp?) motor. Like it sounds like the entire engine is one out of a radio controled car. Any one know whats goin on?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
One of your accessory's bearings have gone bad.
Tach Out Motorsports
Option D Inc.
GGGRRREEEAAATTTT... Did that on my moms Altima fun fun time
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
How would i go about findin out whitch one
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
It is an rc car motor! lol jk
What you have to do is use at stethascope and liten to the bearings. If you hear a bearing "scrapping" you found it.
Tach Out Motorsports
Option D Inc.
alright thanks
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto