just wanted to make a post giving Josh from Izn Trbl props for being a wonderful customer beings he just got some website decals and windshield banners made from me. He was very contact friendly meaning he got back to my emails quickly. He also makes great custom car pieces that you cant get anywhere else.
thanks john! the decals are PERFECT!!!!
great prices along with fast shipping!
thanks again buddy!
the decals ARE great. hehe. ive got the windshield decal on my car already. josh will have piks up on the site shortly. thanks guys
always a good purchase with Josh
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
speaking of Josh, check your PM's Josh
if anyones wondering what i did for josh heres a pic, i didnt get a chance to snap some of the banners but im sure josh has some.
do you oly do the decals in bulk? if not how much do you charge. im just looking for some simle text. about an inch and a half high and 15 letters with one space. but only like 3 or 5 copies
hees got a bunch in the mail to me right now. thanks again to bothe of you guys.
agree. talked on the phone with him for a while. very nice guy. Puts his business first even though its just a hobby. plus he is willing to go the custom route also.