Elementary school...the training camps for greeny rainbows. - Politics and War Forum
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Ok, I don't care enough to bother scouring the 'net for quote sources and supporting documents. So, the following is a commentary:
I have observed over the last year, that the term "global warming" has seeming fallen out of favor with our little green friends. In its place, we are subjected to the teachings of "climate change". I'm 34, and I seem to remember my teachers in the early years talking about scientists worried about a pending 2nd ice age. Then, yesterday, while at the laundromat, I picked up the most recent Farmers Almanac and began to thumb through it. Much to my delight, I happened across an article questioning the validity of global warming "science" and the pseudo-religion of "climate change". It seems that our planet goes through cycles. A few decades of cooler weather, followed by a dry spell, maybe some freak rainy season (el nino), then on to warmer temps.
Let me interrupt myself for a moment. If you are frothing at the mouth at my head-in-the sand approach to the "facts" as you see them..... well, go piss off. Moving on...
Remember the shocking footage of the ice shelves crashing into the ocean? Rising sea levels, drowning baby polar bears, retreating ice that opens up new shipping lanes?
Remember? Baaaaaad. Ooooooh. Scaaaaaary. So what the heck happened to the Beiring Strait? Didn't we all grow up learning that Americas first people crossed an bridege of ice from asia to N. America?
I have one question for those dang Injuns: What the (bleep) were you doing that melted that Beiring Strait and caused all that pristine ice to go bye bye? I want to know cuz its happening now. Yessir, once again thousands of years later, we are buring fossil fuels for fun, and eating burgers out of non-biodegradable foam boxes and throwing them out the windows of our SUV's while driving too fast.....and the ice is going away!!!!!!!!!!!!
In elementary schools, our children are taught this pseudo-religion of "mother earth, environmentalism, save the planet+ birdies". This green movement ($$$ green-driven) is being taught as fact. Fact that fossil fuels are warming the planet and killing birdies and polar bears. "Fact" that homosexuality is a dna thing....a natural way of lifestyle that is perfecty normal and could be normal for you as well if you so choose.
It seems that the best way to get more registered democrat voters is to start indoctrinating them into the way of the greenie-rainbow club early on....using taxpayer dollars.
oh, and piss off.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Do you think that what is taught in school really makes people join a political party? If so you need to piss off.
I say @!#$ the environment. Know why I say that? Free will. No matter what is taught I still will think what I want. I live in a county that voted 75% McCain if the school is teaching Democrat ideals explain that.
And the homosexuality statement is completely ignorant. You seriously think schools make people gay? If you actually knew gay people you would know that homosexuality goes both ways. My one friend says that he knew he was gay at the age of 12. Now he had to choose to come out but still he was born that way or raised that way, either way not his choice. But my othe friend is a flaming faggot, and I mean that in the best way possible, he is gay because he wants to be. He would have no issue with being straight tomorrow. So you sir need to shut your ignorant republican conspiracy theory spewing mouth please. Have a nice day.
schools dont make someone gay or democrat...any more than driving a red sunfire does. No teacher says "now little Johnnie....little Shanika, when you grow up, you vote democrat."
No, you teach them a biased ideology. No other viewpoints allowed/ promoted. Teachers are being given curriculum to teach that revolves (science part) about saving the whales, trees, birds, bees etc. These little kids don't know they are being prepped and lubed to be the next gen of democrats. The crapology continues into high school where their liberal teachers reinforce it, and then on to college, where their Berkley professors keep hammering it home.
Also, teachers don't say "now little Gavin, butt sex is great + you should be gay so you can be cornholed" No, they teach them it is normal and healthy AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing. Bring on religious wackjob story on the news about godhatesfags.com guy.
I'm guessing you live in some rural area, so yes McCain probably took the vote. But then again, the new greenie-rainbow children of the corn can't vote yet. Give 'em another 10 years or so. Do you have a little greenie-rainbow child of the corn cousin or little sis? Hmmm?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
I had books in grade school that told me hunting deer was bad, cuting trees was bad, and owning guns was bad.
easy for me to see it.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
My kids are always talking about global warming, and they're very small. My sister is a teacher, and she's one of a handful of conservatives in her entire district. When she was just substituting, she would get class agendas quite often that included the global warming rhetoric.
I can also remember in school growing up plenty of liberal rhetoric. We used to be told that if we didn't stop using aerosol cans with CFC, the earth was going to lose the ozone layer entirely and we'd have no protection from solar winds, etc. etc,...
What scientists have been beginning to understand through core samples, is that our recent acceleration in warming (past 30 years), is seen throughout centuries, and has happened as recently as the early 20th century. Part of the whole claim of global warming was that the past 30 years has seen an increase in the rate of warming. They attributed this to our increased industrial activities, and increased automotive use. However, they're beginning to see that these same patterns existed centuries ago, and that we are actually entering a cooling spell.
The bottom line about the whole global warming, or any man-made climate changes, is that it's extremely arrogant to think that we can effect the climate of a planet that's been around for billions of years, has gone through numerous climate changes, which has been proven to be part of the natural cycle. We are just not that significant in the big picture. We're a blip on the radar in the history of the planet. They should be more affraid that another meteor or asteroid is going to hit us. We've had more close calls than people generally know with that.
No, you teach them a biased ideology. No other viewpoints allowed/ promoted. Teachers are being given curriculum to teach that revolves (science part) about saving the whales, trees, birds, bees etc.
what's wrong with conservation and what the heck does it have to do with global warming. It doesn't matter if global warming is man-made or a natural cycle, it will only benefit the nation to promote and develop cleaner fuels. It will only help the planet in the long run if we promote biodiversity. I'm not talking extremist tree-huggers and the sort like that, but I'd rather live in a world with whales, bees, and polar bears than in a world without them.
As for academia being a haven for liberals, I agree but I don't know if you can change that.
Some of the most openminded teachers I ever had were Catholic Nuns, so what does that tell you about Conservative VS Liberal teaching methods? The problem with school isn't what they're teaching, but that they dictate what "The ultimate truth" is and punish dissent. Teachers should ecourage kids to make up their own mind and be open to many viewpoints, not to take in what they're told as the only possible truth.
Personally, I couldn't care less if a school was liberal or conservative because they'd both teach the same way. That whole "We're right and everyone else is wrong." BS. What's the difference in the end? Being told that only Conservative views are right or only Liberal views are right is the same nonsense to me.
Also, primary and high schools aren't the place the learn about philosophy and ideology. You're there to learn reading, math, writing and home economics. How about they stop wasting time with their latent brainwashing and teach little Timmy how to correctly take my pizza order huh? Let college warp kid's minds instead.
I had a teacher in high school try to make a huge deal about how I enjoyed hunting. It was obvious attack on one of my beliefs and was complete BS. Most of the attack was based on the firearm aspect. I turned it around on her and used proven statistics find a major flaw in every point she made.
Living near a big city I always had to deal with teachers cramming liberal agenda down my throat. During election time they would even tell us that if our parents didnt vote democrat, they were bad people.
I am an electrical apprentice in the IBEW and my sister is in the teachers union and we are both in the minority with what we stand for and vote based off of.
ScottaWhite wrote:
Also, teachers don't say "now little Gavin, butt sex is great + you should be gay so you can be cornholed" No, they teach them it is normal and healthy AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing. Bring on religious wackjob story on the news about godhatesfags.com guy.
Sooo..... Teaching tolerance is bad?
I went to school in a mostly rural farm town. There was ONE gay kid. You would not believe the kind of torture the guy went through. Letting that stuff go on unchecked is how you end up with school shootings buddy.
Tolerance is fine but forcing everyone to accept it as perfectly fine in not ok. I do not believe that it is a born condition or a natural thing to happen. I believe it is a personal choice. That being said, I do have a gay cousin. Its his choice and I can accept that, but if he ever tries to force his lifestyle on me I will not hesitate to set him straight. I dont believe that gay couples should be given the same privileges as a man and a woman that are married. Before someone calls me a bible thumper, I couldnt tell you the last time I went to church for something other than a wedding.
mitdr774 wrote:Tolerance is fine but forcing everyone to accept it as perfectly fine in not ok. I do not believe that it is a born condition or a natural thing to happen. I believe it is a personal choice. That being said, I do have a gay cousin. Its his choice and I can accept that, but if he ever tries to force his lifestyle on me I will not hesitate to set him straight.
What's he gonna do? Hump your leg? Force you to watch gay porn?
I dont believe that gay couples should be given the same privileges as a man and a woman that are married.
Why not? Worried about losing the sanctity of Marriage? Isn't the divorce rate up somewhere around 50% now? If that's your reason man I think you're just a FEW years late to save it.
ScottaWhite wrote:schools dont make someone gay or democrat...any more than driving a red sunfire does. No teacher says "now little Johnnie....little Shanika, when you grow up, you vote democrat."
No, you teach them a biased ideology. No other viewpoints allowed/ promoted. Teachers are being given curriculum to teach that revolves (science part) about saving the whales, trees, birds, bees etc. These little kids don't know they are being prepped and lubed to be the next gen of democrats. The crapology continues into high school where their liberal teachers reinforce it, and then on to college, where their Berkley professors keep hammering it home.
Also, teachers don't say "now little Gavin, butt sex is great + you should be gay so you can be cornholed" No, they teach them it is normal and healthy AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing. Bring on religious wackjob story on the news about godhatesfags.com guy.
I'm guessing you live in some rural area, so yes McCain probably took the vote. But then again, the new greenie-rainbow children of the corn can't vote yet. Give 'em another 10 years or so. Do you have a little greenie-rainbow child of the corn cousin or little sis? Hmmm?
How about you try contradicting yourself a little bit more? Youre essentially saying that school makes people liberal. Just because you have something up your ass (no pun intended) about gay people and liberal tree huggers doesnt mean that the school system is !@#$ed up. It means that youre intolerant and need to open your mind a little bit. And no I have no faggot tree hugging sibling or cousin. They're all farming rednecks. Im like the off memeber of the family who doesnt hate everything thats different. And children dont learn everything at school. Theyre raised at home more than they are at school. Im sure Johnnys gay uncle or brother would have more to do with him being gay than a teacher tolerating gay people. Youre ignorant and itolerant and thats what pisses me off. I have no problem letting anyone do what they want. Screwing trees and polars or men whatever they want. I BELIEVE WHAT I DO BECAUSE OF WHAT I WAS TAUGHT AT HOME AND WHAT I LEARNED MYSELF.
The irony here farmboy, is that you are intolerant of my opinion. You don't agree with me + have your own outlook on life, and you were hopscotching through life with it until you read my post.
Btw, is that your shadow in your sig? Second question: Are you the one taking the pic or the one at waist level sucking dick?
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
mitdr774 wrote:Tolerance is fine but forcing everyone to accept it as perfectly fine in not ok. I do not believe that it is a born condition or a natural thing to happen. I believe it is a personal choice. That being said, I do have a gay cousin. Its his choice and I can accept that, but if he ever tries to force his lifestyle on me I will not hesitate to set him straight. I dont believe that gay couples should be given the same privileges as a man and a woman that are married. Before someone calls me a bible thumper, I couldnt tell you the last time I went to church for something other than a wedding.
That's fine that you believe this, but please tell me how does one choose to be gay? - I've never seen this addressed. I'm quite attracted to women and quite repulsed by men or even the mere sight of a penis(I don't care much for a man's hairy ass either). I have not and can not be attracted to men. I'm attracted to what I'm attracted to and no one told me what I was gonna be attracted to. Women turn me on, yet I will quickly loose my boner at the sight of a penis (that is not my own) even if I was quite excited before that. There exists no straighter man on earth than myself. So tell me how I can choose to no longer be attracted to the pussy I naturally love and instead be attracted to something that naturally repulses me?
Its impossible - I CANNOT choose to be gay. I never chose to be straight either. No such choice exists for me. It may for some though... bisexuals(aka people with at least some level of attraction to both sexes - but they usually do have a preference). True homosexuals(aka people who have NO ATTRACTION to the opposite sex but instead are attracted to the same sex) don't have any more choice than true heterosexuals like myself.
Honestly, when another man tells me that "homosexuality is a choice" and I can tell he believes it, a part of me wonders if he checked out my junk. I just don't understand how anyone can believe this unless they have some degree of homosexual impulse themselves that they are assumably suppressing in favor of conflicting heterosexual impulses. You can't have "a choice" without choices and someone like me does not have them.
If logical arguments like mine do nothing for you, then I might add that there have been scientific studies that demonstrate that certain conditions in the womb can influence sexuality. So those homo-phobes among you might even call homosexuality a birth defect, but either way... not a choice. There have been others that demonstrate that gay(not bi) men have brains that are wired the same as a typical female brain(which explains the driving I've seen out of some gay men I know - LOL) and vise versa lesbians(not bi) that their brains are wired the same as a typical male brain(an ironic slap in the face to man-hating-lesbo-feminists who think men are inferior to women). In both cases, its shown that sexuality is not a choice. I've seen no scientific evidence that supports the idea that a complete homosexual(non-bisexual) can become a heterosexual or that a heterosexual can suddenly become homosexual. Someday homosexuality may actually be a choice... when medical science advances to the point that they can literally rewire our brains. Today... not so much.
I'll ask something obvious - even if I was completely wrong about the choice thing... SO WHAT?! Show me one good example where homosexuality - or even gay marriage - hurts anything... ever!! I'm not dumb enough to hold my breath for this one.
ThatGuy85 wrote:I went to school in a mostly rural farm town. There was ONE gay kid. You would not believe the kind of torture the guy went through.
I can all but guarantee that he was not the only gay one. If you want to know who the other gay ones where... look at who did the (most of/worst of) the bullying. Self-hating homos are easy to spot.
ScottaWhite wrote:
No, you teach them a biased ideology. Also, teachers don't say "now little Gavin, butt sex is great + you should be gay so you can be cornholed" No, they teach them it is normal and healthy AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing.
If you think that being gay has something to do with upbringing, then I'll ask you to explain Dick Cheney's daughter. Somehow I don't think homosexuality as a valid "choice" was taught in that household. I doubt they taught her much tolerance of such things... and she IS a life-long Republican just like you. She's not some tree-hugging hippie California Liberal so obviously she wasn't brainwashed with some liberal this or that in school and yet... she is a lesbian. So much for that theory.
No one taught me one way or the other about homosexuality. My school didn't really touch the subject and I suppose my church frowned upon it but never really hammered it like some do. I came to my own conclusions.
ScottaWhite wrote:No, they teach them it is normal
It's not? Explain.
ScottaWhite wrote:and healthy
It's not? Explain.
ScottaWhite wrote:AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing.
How about... SILLY? I think that's a better description.
You forgot one other thing...
truth wrote:and completely hot in the case of 2 reasonably attractive women
One other point to consider - studies have shown that we humans can tell if a person is straight or gay with about 80-85% accuracy... just from looking at a facial picture, Why is that?! I mean if the only difference between us is a CHOICE then how can we tell what CHOICE they made just by looking at them? Ever notice that something might not sit right with some of you about a gay man's face? The facial structure may be clearly male but the eyes - at least to me - look exactly like the eyes of a woman but placed inside of a male head. It might seem out of place to some, and refer to my earlier point about gay men having minds wired like a woman's(BTW this was determined by scans of electrical activity in various parts of the brain). Notice how your stereotypical gay male has interests/tastes that are very similar to a stereotypical womans? How common is it to see a gay male "gear head?" Not very(I've never even met ANY but I do know
one bisexual gear head). It's no co-incidence. There are real differences besides a so called choice.
TheSundownFire wrote:Do you think that what is taught in school really makes people join a political party? If so you need to piss off.
do you honestly think it DOESNT? we are talking about malleable minds, ripe for the twisting. look at any government controlled school system throughout history and look at what they were teaching the children. then look at how those children grew up and what their political ideologies were. dont feel like going that far back? how about the past 80 years. look at nazi germany. or communist russia. or china since the cultural revolution.
you may think that those are extreme examples and that surely america would never do something similar. wrong. with the exception of abstinence programs, our public schools are so horribly left/liberal biased that i cant imagine how you CANT see it.
If Conservatives don't want liberals teaching school maybe they should become teachers instead of complaining.
As for government controlled school system, it was ALWAYS government controlled. Why do you all think that primary and secondary schools are set up like a factory? Bell rings, you do something boring for two hours, bell rings, you take a fifteen minutes break, bell rings, you go back to being bored for another two hours, bell rings, you go to lunch for thirty minutes, bell rings back to the boredom, bell rings...
Way back in the late 19th century when the industrial age started someone figured out that men were having a hard time adjusting to the rigourous strict schedule of a factory. They'd been used to working on farms where work was harder, but it was also looser. You ate when you were hungry, went to pee when you wanted to and took breaks when you were tired. Nobody told you what to do and you were your own boss. All of which needed to be quashed in order to mold little workers for the factory. Thus, the current day school system was born. You're judged (Okay... maybe not anymore, but you used to be), you're forced to follow an organized schedule and always do what you're told to do. You're shown (Not told, just shown) that you're a small cog in a big machine, always.
To be honest, everything is a bunch of BS. Think religion isn't hypocritical and contradictory? Think science has all the answers? Think you're being paid as much as you could be? Think anything you buy is being sold as cheap as it could be? Think you were taught to the best of your school's ability? Think your doctor is doing the best job he can keeping you healthy? Please... everyone lies. The problem isn't that people lie, it's that Conservatives think that only liberals lie, and Liberals think that only conservatives lie. That's the problem.
ScottaWhite wrote:The irony here farmboy, is that you are intolerant of my opinion. You don't agree with me + have your own outlook on life, and you were hopscotching through life with it until you read my post.
Btw, is that your shadow in your sig? Second question: Are you the one taking the pic or the one at waist level sucking dick?
I cannot even begin to comprehend your douchebaggery.
Just remember, Karma is a bitch, and when you have a gay son or daughter maybe you'll re-think what is and is not okay to hate.
So my being intolerant of intolerance is bad? So when youre walking down my street carrying a sign that says homos need to die its the "right" thing for me to do to sit back and watch while you belittle someone whom you have never met and probably never will and give a proper chance to because youre biased against what you percieve as different and wrong? Sounds very tolerant of you Adolf. What has a gay person ever done to you personally?
Edit: Very mature of you to mock me personally. Thats the first sign of a defeated person. You cant think of an educated argument, so you resort to trying to hurt my feelings. What a big boy.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:37 PM
As far as the climate change teachings...duh. The great thing about our system is that YOU have the ability to change what is being taught. YOU vote for policy makers. YOU can influence how other people vote, as well (not if you act like you have in this thread, of couse). I'd gladly trade climate change for abstinance-only education. I find it shocking how many more kids are getting it on in grade school than when I was there a short time ago. This leads to teenage pregnancy, which almost always leads to abortion.
bk3k wrote:mitdr774 wrote:Tolerance is fine but forcing everyone to accept it as perfectly fine in not ok. I do not believe that it is a born condition or a natural thing to happen. I believe it is a personal choice. That being said, I do have a gay cousin. Its his choice and I can accept that, but if he ever tries to force his lifestyle on me I will not hesitate to set him straight. I dont believe that gay couples should be given the same privileges as a man and a woman that are married. Before someone calls me a bible thumper, I couldnt tell you the last time I went to church for something other than a wedding.
That's fine that you believe this, but please tell me how does one choose to be gay? - I've never seen this addressed. I'm quite attracted to women and quite repulsed by men or even the mere sight of a penis(I don't care much for a man's hairy ass either). I have not and can not be attracted to men. I'm attracted to what I'm attracted to and no one told me what I was gonna be attracted to. Women turn me on, yet I will quickly loose my boner at the sight of a penis (that is not my own) even if I was quite excited before that. There exists no straighter man on earth than myself. So tell me how I can choose to no longer be attracted to the pussy I naturally love and instead be attracted to something that naturally repulses me?
Its impossible - I CANNOT choose to be gay. I never chose to be straight either. No such choice exists for me. It may for some though... bisexuals(aka people with at least some level of attraction to both sexes - but they usually do have a preference). True homosexuals(aka people who have NO ATTRACTION to the opposite sex but instead are attracted to the same sex) don't have any more choice than true heterosexuals like myself.
Honestly, when another man tells me that "homosexuality is a choice" and I can tell he believes it, a part of me wonders if he checked out my junk. I just don't understand how anyone can believe this unless they have some degree of homosexual impulse themselves that they are assumably suppressing in favor of conflicting heterosexual impulses. You can't have "a choice" without choices and someone like me does not have them.
If logical arguments like mine do nothing for you, then I might add that there have been scientific studies that demonstrate that certain conditions in the womb can influence sexuality. So those homo-phobes among you might even call homosexuality a birth defect, but either way... not a choice. There have been others that demonstrate that gay(not bi) men have brains that are wired the same as a typical female brain(which explains the driving I've seen out of some gay men I know - LOL) and vise versa lesbians(not bi) that their brains are wired the same as a typical male brain(an ironic slap in the face to man-hating-lesbo-feminists who think men are inferior to women). In both cases, its shown that sexuality is not a choice. I've seen no scientific evidence that supports the idea that a complete homosexual(non-bisexual) can become a heterosexual or that a heterosexual can suddenly become homosexual. Someday homosexuality may actually be a choice... when medical science advances to the point that they can literally rewire our brains. Today... not so much.
I'll ask something obvious - even if I was completely wrong about the choice thing... SO WHAT?! Show me one good example where homosexuality - or even gay marriage - hurts anything... ever!! I'm not dumb enough to hold my breath for this one.
ThatGuy85 wrote:I went to school in a mostly rural farm town. There was ONE gay kid. You would not believe the kind of torture the guy went through.
I can all but guarantee that he was not the only gay one. If you want to know who the other gay ones where... look at who did the (most of/worst of) the bullying. Self-hating homos are easy to spot.
ScottaWhite wrote:
No, you teach them a biased ideology. Also, teachers don't say "now little Gavin, butt sex is great + you should be gay so you can be cornholed" No, they teach them it is normal and healthy AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing.
If you think that being gay has something to do with upbringing, then I'll ask you to explain Dick Cheney's daughter. Somehow I don't think homosexuality as a valid "choice" was taught in that household. I doubt they taught her much tolerance of such things... and she IS a life-long Republican just like you. She's not some tree-hugging hippie California Liberal so obviously she wasn't brainwashed with some liberal this or that in school and yet... she is a lesbian. So much for that theory.
No one taught me one way or the other about homosexuality. My school didn't really touch the subject and I suppose my church frowned upon it but never really hammered it like some do. I came to my own conclusions.
ScottaWhite wrote:No, they teach them it is normal
It's not? Explain.
ScottaWhite wrote:and healthy
It's not? Explain.
ScottaWhite wrote:AND to think otherwise is narrowminded, bigoted and right wing.
How about... SILLY? I think that's a better description.
You forgot one other thing...
truth wrote:and completely hot in the case of 2 reasonably attractive women
One other point to consider - studies have shown that we humans can tell if a person is straight or gay with about 80-85% accuracy... just from looking at a facial picture, Why is that?! I mean if the only difference between us is a CHOICE then how can we tell what CHOICE they made just by looking at them? Ever notice that something might not sit right with some of you about a gay man's face? The facial structure may be clearly male but the eyes - at least to me - look exactly like the eyes of a woman but placed inside of a male head. It might seem out of place to some, and refer to my earlier point about gay men having minds wired like a woman's(BTW this was determined by scans of electrical activity in various parts of the brain). Notice how your stereotypical gay male has interests/tastes that are very similar to a stereotypical womans? How common is it to see a gay male "gear head?" Not very(I've never even met ANY but I do know one bisexual gear head). It's no co-incidence. There are real differences besides a so called choice.
Post of the week. From scientific evidence to hot lesbian porn. Well done.
TheSundownFire wrote:Theyre raised at home more than they are at school.
I wish this were true, but parenting just isn't what it used to be.
mitdr774 wrote:I am an electrical apprentice in the IBEW and my sister is in the teachers union and we are both in the minority with what we stand for and vote based off of.
Completely off topic, I know, but... EVERYONE ON THE ORG KNOWS EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU DO, AND YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS. You REALLY don't need to post your life story in every thread. That's all.
fortune cookie say: better a delay than a disaster
I didnt post my current employment status in there but if you would like I can.
I dont recall exactly why I put it in there but I think it had something to do with someone else throwing in political affiliations.
"How common is it to see a gay male "gear head?"
My cousin is.
Can you show me the scientific proof? I doubt, but I may be wrong. My cousin used to be attracted to girls, then one day he decided he wasnt. Seems like a choice to me, not a hard wired from birth decision. Are you also suggesting that someone can choose to be bi, but not choose to be gay?
He may have been gay all along and just decided one day to stop hiding it from himself and others. I think the choice lies in the fact to admit to being gay. You choose wether or not come out. Im willing to be theres many gay men who have a wife and children but arent willing to admit their homosexuality.
Being bi is like saying youre gay with a preference towards women. Youre still gay because you have sex with men but you also like having sex with women. Seems like a crapshoot to me. Either youre gay or youre not. Once you have sex with the same sex youre gay. Its pretty clear. Its just that those who just like having sex with whatever moves men, women, antelopes, etc who muddy the waters.
So lets say one day "science" (Scientist = "they") discoveres a gene that makes someone sexually attracted to children.....hardwired.....just the way they are. Is it ok then?
What if there is a jerk-gene (I may be living proof here) Would this make for legal precedent that people with the JerkGene can't be fired for failing to be a team player?
.Oh, and don't bring up pedophilia being against the law. It wasn't too long ago that it was illegal for blacks to vote, or to drink out of certain drinking fountains. It was the law of the land, and most people saw it and said that it was good.
Farmboy, You have failed on every attempt to invalidate my arguments and/or opinions. You, little fella', resorted to petty personal attacks early on. Who here said anything about hating homosexuals and lesbians? Not me. The sodomites really had very little to do with the entire post. "Of course it would be wrong to walk around with a sign screaming that fags must die, and being a fag is gay. That would just be dumb.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
how did Fags get in to this?
If you want to be different. IE a fag, you should get used to the REAL world, you will, at the very least, get made fun of.
Hell, in hoggie land they KILL you, but ya, we are being MEAN by making fun of them...
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
ScottaWhite wrote:So lets say one day "science" (Scientist = "they") discoveres a gene that makes someone sexually attracted to children.....hardwired.....just the way they are. Is it ok then?
What if there is a jerk-gene (I may be living proof here) Would this make for legal precedent that people with the JerkGene can't be fired for failing to be a team player?
.Oh, and don't bring up pedophilia being against the law. It wasn't too long ago that it was illegal for blacks to vote, or to drink out of certain drinking fountains. It was the law of the land, and most people saw it and said that it was good.
Farmboy, You have failed on every attempt to invalidate my arguments and/or opinions. You, little fella', resorted to petty personal attacks early on. Who here said anything about hating homosexuals and lesbians? Not me. The sodomites really had very little to do with the entire post. "Of course it would be wrong to walk around with a sign screaming that fags must die, and being a fag is gay. That would just be dumb.
Call me a Farmboy when youre the one showing the standard ignorant unmoving set of morals of a Farmboy. And did nowhere did I say you suck dick. Thats slightly more personally offensive and petty than me calling you ignorant and makes you sounds slightly more childish than myself.
Sexually abusing children AGAINST their own will is completely different than CONSENSUAL gay sex. You implied that being gay was wrong. Even though you didnt spell it out its right there when you stated how it wrong that it is taught to tolerate gays and that its ok to be gay.
Also being gay in no way inhibits your ability to hold a job or compete in a business place whereas being a dickhead will. I personally would be more offended if my bank teller told me to !@#$ off because he was having a bad day than if my bank teller had a lisp and was wearing a pink shirt.
You draw no valid comparisons to anything in history. Segregation was similar at a point but hey guess what thats over not because everyone accepted it. But because people deicided to stand up for what was right and fix an injustice. The "Law of the Land" is complete crap. If everyone lived by that standard we'd all still be livin on an acre of land farming turnips while are feudal Lord raked in the money and became obese on our work.
Does that not happen now?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
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