mitdr774 wrote:Sooo where is the $920 billion going to come from?
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
Harrington Esquire wrote:
I do agree that there does need to be some infrastructure projects to get people who have lost their jobs to get back to work. But lets face it, Congress in not capable of passing these kinds of bills without adding so much worthless spending into them. We need to vote all of our present law makers out of office and vote in average Joes that actually have something to gain by good legislature being passed. Outlaw all forms of lobbying, cut the pay rate of Congressmen and Senators to $45,000.00 and make it a Constitutional amendment that their pay can not go up any faster than the inflation rate, no pay raises or bonuses. Let them keep their health care but only for their immediate family and only for the time they are in office. With politicians actually having to live like the rest of us in this country maybe they will start making better decisions. Every bill that comes out of Washington has so much frivolous spending in it no wonder the national debt is so exorbitant.
The Government pisses me off.
J03Y Esquire wrote:get your rifles gentleman, we're gonna need them.
Wade Jarvis wrote: I love to find one of those Obama supporters who thought he was going to help their personal financial situation. Ask them how they feel about the 600 bucks Bush put in their pocket compared to Obama's stimulous plan which gives them a big fat zero.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
The Fierce Urgency of Pork
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, February 6, 2009; A17
"A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe."
-- President Obama, Feb. 4.
Catastrophe, mind you. So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared "we have chosen hope over fear." Until, that is, you need fear to pass a bill.
And so much for the promise to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple. An ostentatious executive order banning lobbyists was immediately followed by the nomination of at least a dozen current or former lobbyists to high position. Followed by a Treasury secretary who allegedly couldn't understand the payroll tax provisions in his 1040. Followed by Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his sword according to the new Washington rule that no Cabinet can have more than one tax delinquent.
The Daschle affair was more serious because his offense involved more than taxes. As Michael Kinsley once observed, in Washington the real scandal isn't what's illegal, but what's legal. Not paying taxes is one thing. But what made this case intolerable was the perfectly legal dealings that amassed Daschle $5.2 million in just two years.
He'd been getting $1 million per year from a law firm. But he's not a lawyer, nor a registered lobbyist. You don't get paid this kind of money to instruct partners on the Senate markup process. You get it for picking up the phone and peddling influence.
At least Tim Geithner, the tax-challenged Treasury secretary, had been working for years as a humble international civil servant earning non-stratospheric wages. Daschle, who had made another cool million a year (plus chauffeur and Caddy) for unspecified services to a pal's private equity firm, represented everything Obama said he'd come to Washington to upend.
And yet more damaging to Obama's image than all the hypocrisies in the appointment process is his signature bill: the stimulus package. He inexplicably delegated the writing to Nancy Pelosi and the barons of the House. The product, which inevitably carries Obama's name, was not just bad, not just flawed, but a legislative abomination.
It's not just pages and pages of special-interest tax breaks, giveaways and protections, one of which would set off a ruinous Smoot-Hawley trade war. It's not just the waste, such as the $88.6 million for new construction for Milwaukee Public Schools, which, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, have shrinking enrollment, 15 vacant schools and, quite logically, no plans for new construction.
It's the essential fraud of rushing through a bill in which the normal rules (committee hearings, finding revenue to pay for the programs) are suspended on the grounds that a national emergency requires an immediate job-creating stimulus -- and then throwing into it hundreds of billions that have nothing to do with stimulus, that Congress's own budget office says won't be spent until 2011 and beyond, and that are little more than the back-scratching, special-interest, lobby-driven parochialism that Obama came to Washington to abolish. He said.
Not just to abolish but to create something new -- a new politics where the moneyed pork-barreling and corrupt logrolling of the past would give way to a bottom-up, grass-roots participatory democracy. That is what made Obama so dazzling and new. Turns out the "fierce urgency of now" includes $150 million for livestock (and honeybee and farm-raised fish) insurance.
The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington. By the time the stimulus bill reached the Senate, reports the Wall Street Journal, pharmaceutical and high-tech companies were lobbying furiously for a new plan to repatriate overseas profits that would yield major tax savings. California wine growers and Florida citrus producers were fighting to change a single phrase in one provision. Substituting "planted" for "ready to market" would mean a windfall garnered from a new "bonus depreciation" incentive.
After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.
I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks.
mclonedogmcwad wrote:
Funny how history sometimes repeats isn't
But in all serious 900 billion is crazy, so much Pork it unbelievable. As for the infrastructure and shovel ready project in reality they won't begin for at least 6 month to a year because of planning, permits, zoning, etc.
I am all for improving the countries infrastructure we desperately need it but I don't think that will stimulate the economy.
The question is then, instead of complaining who's fault and who said what...
How about provide something that can use money right away that will in effect help the economy?
mitdr774 wrote:With the current bill for the plan they could just give every man, woman, and child listed on the US census $3008. Of course that would also mean no pork spending and the money would actually go to the people.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Hilarious how everyone here singing the "sky is falling."
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:What we need is $300 in our our pockets to bring the rate to a safer level of under 3.5%. Or better yet raise the tax rate to 35% on folks who make $5K-$150K and lower the tax percentage to 5% on folks that make $350K to $X,000,000,000 that way more money is in their pocket and of course and in return private businesses will have "help wanted" ads all over the place. You know the top half ALWAYS helps us out.Bless them all.
Whatever wrote:mitdr774 wrote:With the current bill for the plan they could just give every man, woman, and child listed on the US census $3008. Of course that would also mean no pork spending and the money would actually go to the people.
Then you still have to pay it back, plus interest.
seriously you are so pissed off at not having enough money it is redicoulous. I was taught to work hard and make a way. My grandfather did it from literally nothing and he got to that oh so terrible top half you pompous ignorant ass.
He was soo terrible that when he and his wife died 4 million yea 4 million dollars went to the government I really doubt you will ever pay taxes enough in your life to chip away at a quarter of it and If you do or don't I don't care it isnt my business. However that little demonstration of money to the government can help to show how the fortune my mother has and has worked for as well gives more money to the government than most Americans ever will. So screw off all of you really think that the upper class doesn't pay enough. Not to mention the fact that they recieve little in governmental help because they don't need it so once again they help out more than you do.
Really you hate taxes just like the next guy and guess what that next guy may be a multi millionaire and neither one of you likes having your money taken away. You want equality and fairness fine everyone should pay the same amount. That is fairness the same amount of cookies for everyone just like in preschool.
Get off it if you hate not having more money work harder save your money and invest it. BUt CHRIST I am so sick of hearing you bash on the wealthy and how terrible they are when they give more than you do. OH and most of those terriible evil horrible people give the majority of funding to charities and organizations that improve this country and other peoples lives.