Well...i was debating on putting this here on in OT. If it should be there, can someone move it for me? But anyways, i've always thought my dreams made absolutely no sense. People always said...it's like your body telling you something, or some kinda sign, or hint. But i never quite understood that. Example, a few weeks ago i had a dream that i was some kind of agent working for the DEA or ATF and we were looking for some guy down in Jaurez.

I couldn't think of a logical reason why i had it. Early yesterday morning..around 5:30 i woke and fell asleep about 10 minutes later. I started dreaming about my old job....sorta. It was in the same area (which just happens to be about a 5 minute walk to jaurez...) but the building wasn't where i worked. It was a community college.
So.....i'm in class, we get a break and go outside for a few minutes. I don't have my car, I'm using my dads truck for some reason, moving i guess, and there were people leaning up against it and i got pretty pissed because i had no clue who these people were. (sound like a fimiliar topic?) I noticed these 2 guys eyeing me, and shortly after, they end up stealing my dads truck. So of course, i pretty much lose it, call police and these are the ones on bikes. Not motorcycles....but actual bikes and they tell me they'll catch the guys blah blah, but throughout the dream they didn't do @!#$. So I head back to class to tell the intructor i have to leave. He says it's coo and hope everything works out. I said "yeah...me too" and i walk out and stop. I see this white maxima driving by, which looks exactly like a friend of mines who moved to vegas. I think to myself "what the hell is brian doing back? And i thought he was selling his car!".......................and i woke up. Like i said....makes no sense. But i DID jump out of bed and look out the window to make sure my dads truck was still there haha. It felt too damn real!
Just this morning i had a dream i was back in highschool driving a nice black and red Challenger

Can't remember too much of that one, but i do remember all sorts of girls throwing themselves at me

because of the car. Strange ain't it? Anyone else wanna share?
I've had premonition dreams before so sometimes some of my dreams scare me and I hope they never come true. 2 weeks before the big quake in San Francisco I had a dream where I was standing on an interstate and a motorcycle police officer was calling for help while hanging off the edge of the pavement and then had that same dream again the day the earthquake happened. Also had a dream about buying a red Cavalier sedan 6 months before actually buying a red cavalier sedan. I really hope the latest one doesn't happen though since my uncle really is serving in Iraq.
Hrmmm... I've had a few instances of Deja vu and premonitions (I remember when I was 8 having a night terror that I was in a body cast and couldn't move... turns out when I was 16 i broke both shins and was in a lower body cast for 3 months). I also dreamt that I was in a large 70's rag top car, and when it flipped over, I looked up and all I saw was pavement. My Grand-dad had a 71 GTO ragtop, and when he flipped it, I was 12 and in the front passenger seat. I got my forehead gouged out... I have a divot in the middle of my forehead, but it's only noticeable when I raise my eyebrows thank goodness.
However, Deja-vu is thought to be a misfiring of a concious perception synapse to a memory synapse.
Anyhow, I used to get night terrors when I was growing up, since I was about 12-13, I haven't remembered my dreams.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I only remember the important ones.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I've had the Deje-vu stuff before from dreams but some of them, DAMN I wish THEY would come true cause I'd get laid allll the time. Bur alas no hott redheaded twins have attacked me while in bed. Oh Well. ( sigh )
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I didn't have the redheads... no.. both gothy chix... I knew it'd happen.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Those chics are freekt scary! I'd be afraid they'd bite off a certain part which I've grown accustomed too.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Nah... they're goths, not cannibals.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
<Random Re-bump>
<jackalope> Wuss. Goth women are some of the best in the sack, and awesome looking to boot....raven hair/pale skin...YUMMIE!!!!
Anyhow, thinking about dreams, the thing i've noticed with me is that a lot of my "normal" dreams are easily forgotten. The ones that aren't tent to be "hyper-real" in that everything is more real than reality; colors more vivid, whites whiter, darks darker (no, this isn't a new commercial for new Ultra-cheer), smells more pronounced for good of for bad, tastes more pronounced, sounds more crisp, louder, and more defined, and all mostion more fluid and graceful. In other words, it's "hyper-reality". I've noticed those are the ones that are my subcon telling me something, anbd I should listen.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Goth women are not scary. I know a few who, besides being ridiculously sexy, are also some of the sweetest, generous, and most kind people I have ever known.
As for dreams:
I have weird dreams all the time.
Once when I was about 9 or 10, I had this dream. I woke up and looked to my doorway. There was a miniature jesus floating in the doorway with the MOST evil look on his face (think the jesus paintings on black velvet.. where's he's floating over water, his robes are flowing, and he's got his palms outstretched.. it's that one). He started flying after me and trying to kill me. I ran into the laundry room and my mom was sitting on the floor folding a basketful of socks. I told her what was happening. She said, "Maybe it's christ, or the antichrist himself." I turned and looked and he was floating in the laundry room door. That's when I woke up crying.
Premonition type dreams?
I had this dream that someone shot my sadistic, sick, twisted bastard of a step grandfather in the chest and killed him. I told my mom and she said it was just a dream. I actually felt guilty for dreaming it. Two weeks later he died of a heart attack in the yard because he was pissed that some businessmen came to look at his property which was up for foreclosure. I'm not sure how much of a "premonition" this is.. but it was pretty scary.
I've had premonition-type dreams plenty of times. Too long to go into details but normally a week or so later something will happen that is extremely similar to what I dreamt about.
As for dreams in general... normally I remember them the minute I wake up, then completely forget. It's only very bizzare or very realistic ones that stick in my head. I'd say out of seven days a week, I remember my dreams maybe 3 or 4 days per week.
one time i dreamed i was awake and then i woke up. kinda wierd.
I had a preminition about the big power outage the night before it hit the east coast a while back... every last detail was exact.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
testing it out...
my dream:
I had a dream I had a hundred-foot weenie and I showed it to the woman next door. She thought it was a snake so she hit it with a rake and now it's only five-foot-four.
Words like door: Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life.
Words like snake: A snake ready to strike means treachery from one you least expected; killing it means victory over enemies.
The thing is defective
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
A hundred foot weenie? In your dreams!!
oh wait... nevermind.
John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
ok well in my last psyc class dreams got explained
here is my rewording of it.
you have dreams because durring sleep, your spinal column is sending out random electrical impulses, that are trully random and mean nothing and in no significant order.
your brain stem then recieves these electrical pulses sees that they are completely random. however, the brain can not have randomness. it is required to have everything organized and in understandable order. so it takes the randomness of these pulses and starts methodically filing these pulses away into an order that can be understanded by the creative and logic portions of the brain. and many times as it is doing this it cant keep the same path going (since these pulses are random) and is why then u could be casually walking in the middle of a parking lot and then suddenly be surrounded by 5,000 women and then a sea monster jump out of the asphalt and jump into a 69 camaro and speed off.
and since ur brain is deciding how and where and when it is doing this organization of random pulses, this is what allows you to in some cases "control" your dreams. instead of letting your brain just file this stuff away in any order it can, u are able to TELL it how to do it.
pretty cool stuff. also learned that you have seperate dreams because all humans go in and out of REM all night long. u can not fall into a sleep and have a dream (durring rem) for the entire night. it may FEEL like it was one consistant dream but it was however split up.
i believe it was that you go into a DEEP sleep for 90 minutes and then REM sleep for 30 minutes. and keep repeating that process.
also learned contrary to what i had thought, that REM sleep is actually VERY close to being fully concious. i ha dalways thought dream state/rem was the DEEPEST sleep. deep sleep has very little brain activity. and when u switch to rem sleep u are in fact VERY close to being fully concious. which also explain why sometimes u awake out of the middle of a dream and still feel liek ur falling down a whole, or ur sweating or heart racing etc...

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
I'd buy that...
I also think that sometimes it has a connection to something real. Like when you are under a lot of stress, or you can't stop thinking about something all day and when you goto bed, you dream about it.
Other then that, what you said makes a lot of sence...
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
i dreamed one day i was driving down the road and my bossy wife was giving me head...... i woke up and i was like WDF. anyway i went to work and after i gets back later that afternoon, i bosses wife was like, i colour of your interior should take me for a drive in ur car one of these days. sooooo ya..... Deja-vu soon, I HOPE!!!
I find it funny when my dogs have dreams... they lay on the ground with their legs twitching, and then they yelp and bark.
I can only remember three dreams I've ever had. Usually I'll wake up after a dream and be like, "that was wierd" but won't be able to remember it shortly after that. I guess I have too much useless info stored in my head to remember my dreams.
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
Nathaniel O'Flaherty wrote:ok well in my last psyc class dreams got explained
here is my rewording of it.
you have dreams because durring sleep, your spinal column is sending out random electrical impulses, that are trully random and mean nothing and in no significant order.
I don't remember it being a spinal column thing, it had more to do with the serotonin levels of the brain "righting" themselves. I'm not saying you're wrong, but the nature of Theta sleep is really not known
your brain stem then recieves these electrical pulses sees that they are completely random. however, the brain can not have randomness. it is required to have everything organized and in understandable order. so it takes the randomness of these pulses and starts methodically filing these pulses away into an order that can be understanded by the creative and logic portions of the brain. and many times as it is doing this it cant keep the same path going (since these pulses are random) and is why then u could be casually walking in the middle of a parking lot and then suddenly be surrounded by 5,000 women and then a sea monster jump out of the asphalt and jump into a 69 camaro and speed off.
At least it has good taste.

Something that I know of (and practise sometimes) is called lucid dreaming, you retain conciousness, and can think rationally, reason and deduce, yet the other parts of your brain and body are in Delta/Theta sleep. It takes a LOT of focus, but it is achievable, and it also tends to discredit the randomness of dreams.
and since ur brain is deciding how and where and when it is doing this organization of random pulses, this is what allows you to in some cases "control" your dreams. instead of letting your brain just file this stuff away in any order it can, u are able to TELL it how to do it.
I've seen EEG's of people (and myself) when lucid dreaming, and when in true Delta/Theta sleep. The Lucid dreams are only slightly different than full conciousness.
pretty cool stuff. also learned that you have seperate dreams because all humans go in and out of REM all night long. u can not fall into a sleep and have a dream (durring rem) for the entire night. it may FEEL like it was one consistant dream but it was however split up.
yes, Theta sleep is usually 20-25% of a sleep cycle. Most dreams are about 15-20 seconds long, but because you aren't lucid and can comprehend the passage of time, time becomes effectively meaningless. Another interesting thing: you can't read in your sleep.
i believe it was that you go into a DEEP sleep for 90 minutes and then REM sleep for 30 minutes. and keep repeating that process.
Theta sleep is only about 4-5 minutes per 30 minutes of Delta sleep.
also learned contrary to what i had thought, that REM sleep is actually VERY close to being fully concious. i ha dalways thought dream state/rem was the DEEPEST sleep. deep sleep has very little brain activity. and when u switch to rem sleep u are in fact VERY close to being fully concious. which also explain why sometimes u awake out of the middle of a dream and still feel liek ur falling down a whole, or ur sweating or heart racing etc...
Well, sleep breaks down like this:
Alpha - First drowsy stage... You're transitioning from concious stages and your lucid though patterns are shutting down.
Beta - Transition stage, your brain's chemistry is getting ready to change, in order to induce the back flushing and memory storing functions of your brain as well as prepare your autonomic systems for the deep-rest repair and maintenance stages.
Delta - Deep sleep. Your brain is running on minimal use, and the body's functions are limited outside pulmonary and circulatory systems... your autonomic system is in the lowest normal phase of activity, and the body is flushing dead blood cells and replacing with new ones, as well as more thoroughly repairing and stabilising areas that have been over-worked or damaged. It's the "clean-up" crew stage.
Theta - REM sleep. It's either your brain involuntarily making its own stimulus to keep itself from dropping out completely, or, a product of the chemical shifts that happen in the brain after the Delta phase of sleep, or, your short term memories are being shifted into long-term or physical (muscle) memory, or, it's something a little more strange like a secondary latent function being turned on, temporarily.
The "Gamma phase" is rare, it's one marked by almost total lack of cerebral activity, or extremely unusual and rapid shifts from Delta to Alpha. From what I've read, only the very most socio/psychopathic persons have this phase of sleep, and it's not known what the wellspring of this is, it's thought to be actually the manifestation of cranial lesions that alter the brain chemistry and create the psychopathic tendencies.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
u said juarez? i live right next to it and go there everyday! lol (im beingh serious, i just found it weird since i never heard anyone mention juarez on here before)