How many of you believe that teleportation is possible? Similar to the transporters on Star Trek and Stargate.
98 Z24
RIP Specks
Damn Gary thats a tough one! I've never read anything as to its actual use or being able to be done. But by all means if you got something share it with the rest of the class.
I do know some of the stuff talked about on StarGate is currently theroized but I thought thats all it was ....theroy.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jackalope I read an article a few years ago about the possibilities of having transporters using todays technologies. The only draw back was our computer systems. Nothing powerful enough to maintain cellular cohesion and put everything back together properly. Time will tell if computers will be able to come up to what is needed to perform this task. They predicted that with the way computers are going, it might be possible in the future.
98 Z24
RIP Specks
actually, it's been done in switzerland or finland or someplace in that general area. except instead of using material matter, they used photons. don't remember where i read that, i know it was online though.
Teleportation exists and has been demonstrated many times in experiments. On VERY small levels not the kind of level as a person more like a few atoms molecules and whatnot. It would take a highly accurate machine without mistake because the first machine would have to 'Scan' the item being teleported meaning making an exact copy of the original down to the individual atom. Then the second one would reconstruct the copy and the first one would be destroyed meaning you would have to clone the subject then kill the original. More reading can be obtained
Jackalope: I have not heard of the 'Stargate' type thing but it is not the same as of we speak. Stargate is essential cutting to points we have to travel the distance shorter...hence a 'GATE'
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
No I never said theres anything LIKE the Star Gate only that the quantum phisics that
would TRY to explain how you would travel thru sub-space does. I doubt the Air Force
has a Star Gate in Cheyanne mountain complex. But if they do WOW!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
^^^lol oops misread.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
If you're talking teleportation as in converting mass to energy and sending it somewhere to be converted back then I'll have to say I don't think this will happen. In addition to the concerns about constructing an exact duplicate, I'll just mention that the shear amount of energy that would be created by converting a persons body mass to energy would be far more than most people would think.
For example. Our nuclear submarines convert significantly less than the average bodymass to energy in the reactors and it powers the subs for 10+ years without refueling. And it doesn't matter that they're using uranium...mass is mass. It just happens that uranium is easier to convert to energy. A nuclear bomb can have as little as a few kilograms of plutonium and look at the energy that is released.
Cool 2nr no prob.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Labotomi wrote:If you're talking teleportation as in converting mass to energy and sending it somewhere to be converted back then I'll have to say I don't think this will happen. In addition to the concerns about constructing an exact duplicate, I'll just mention that the shear amount of energy that would be created by converting a persons body mass to energy would be far more than most people would think.
Your right, teleportation by the breakdown of a human being, into little particles would release vasts amount of energy. Then that same amount of energy would be then required to put it back together. Highly unlikely.
The other way that I mentioned was to creat a 'Copy' of the original, think about it like you would use a xerox machine, then a shredder. It scans the original, makes a copy, a completely new one. Then you destroy the original since you shouldnt have TWO of you right? It could be another way of cloning lol.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
Well they did it all the time on Star Trek. All you need is some Christmas tree lights and cool sound effects and your good to go.
This really isn't that hard to figure out just ask Capt. Kirk.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I always liked captain kirk he was the best. lol. Or we could just ask scotty.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
To have a teleportation device, you would need to encode matter into a quantum/Quark level streamer, and keep the Quantum cohesion and a matter/energy stream at nominal...
We're not there JUUUUST yet.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I read an article that said all we needed was a really really really really REALLY strong ship, a black hole and an anti-gravity device
well we at least got one of the three....33% aint to bad
Another theory is that a black hole itself is a teleportation device which if you go into you would pop out on the other side of the universe.
I believe its a collapsed supernova that has gravity strong enough that light cant escape.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
Jbody2nr wrote:Another theory is that a black hole itself is a teleportation device which if you go into you would pop out on the other side of the universe.
I believe its a collapsed supernova that has gravity strong enough that light cant escape.![](/global/images/emoticons/ag.gif)
I believe you're talking about a wormhole which is still just a theory. Even if it turns out to be true, it would be considered a "shortcut' rather than a teleportation device.
The man who original theroized about the black hole sucking all matter into has since
re-canted his original thorory about them and has gone with I have no idea what they do but it would appear they DO NOT swallow matter. Oh well even the experts can't be right all the time.
And 2nr I think Scotty may be the better person to ask, But seeing how hes dead now
you really can't ask him, Unless you kind his ghost that is
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Actually it was a theory that the black hole 'teleports' you through another one to the other side of the universe. I'll research it and give you a link later.
Black holes dont swallow matter, they crush it with their extreme gravity. Oh and jack the last thing we need is silly references from our other debates invading the others. But you know I would if he had a ghost.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
the ghost comment was only a joke here. I wouldn't want that debate to be on two fronts it would be too much like work. And the original theroy on black holes was that they swallow matter and either A. destroy it or B. transport it. The scientist who came up with these theroies has since said he was wrong and that it would do neither but that hes not sure what it does. So were back to square one when it comes to black holes.
But I bet you could teleport a ghost!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
It's possible I've read about it in Popular Science or Popular Mechanics magazine but so far I think they've only done atoms or photons. Matter to Matter transportation is probably a few generations away since our computers are not powerful enough yet.
Jbody2nr wrote:Actually it was a theory that the black hole 'teleports' you through another one to the other side of the universe. I'll research it and give you a link later.
I'm sure there was a theory by someone that stated that. Probably not by a reputable source. The most prevalant theory now is that a black hole may be the opening to a
Wormhole which may allow the connection of 2 points in space that otherwise would not be connected. Traveling though the wormhole would allow you to go from one point to the other in a shorter time than you could travel the normal route even at speeds greater than light. Still I wouldn't call it teleportation as much as a shortcut.
Yes labotomi but the scientist who came up with the theroy your referring to has since recanted his statements and said he was wrong. Which would make his theroy wrong
about black holes meaning were right back where we started from in not knowing
what in the heck they are. And untill we can go out and inspect one in person i doubt we ever will know what they are.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Its kind of like the theory in the movie event horizon. Where it bends point A and point B in space a you transverse between the two.
Labotomi isnt teleportation a shortcut in its own right anyways?
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
The movie Event Horizion explored the "what ifs" of worm hole theroy. It was a disturbingly good movie but it was only a movie.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.