I have always wondered this question- how many people around actually have the GM Xtreme Tuner kit or pieces for the 03-05 cavaliers?
I know this is a rare kit and I possibly have the only brand new FULL kit. And I have also seen about 4 or 5 cavaliers on here with them.
So let's start the roll call stating what you have...
1) Cavilierized- full kit
Full kit and had an extra set of sides and rear.
My full kit is a used front and "brand new" sides and rear. I sold a set of used sides to Evilution and a used rear to Strat81.
There are more out there than you think....

its an old concept. time for something new to take the reigns. - Z yaaaa
i had the front for maybe two months.
I saw a random yellow cav with a full kit driving around my home town, but I've never seen it again and it still has me perplexed... he must not live around here.
But where is he!

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
I have the front, rear, and side skirts never installed and never painted. I hope to have it installed and painted next year.

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
I don't have one but I'd love to get one
Two full kits. One 2dr one 4dr. Sideskirts are a tad bit different
05xtremecav wrote:Two full kits. One 2dr one 4dr. Sideskirts are a tad bit different
I didn't know they made a 4dr kit. I bet that is even more rare than the 2dr kit.
Evan Barnes...if you get the kit painted and put on, wanna sell me your RK Sport lip kit cheap?

I found it for $550 brand new...Id love to have the Xtrene kit but IM not a fan of the rear...the RK Sport is better. Xtreme front with LSS sides and RKSport rear would be ideal
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
as tinkles mentioned, i've got the rear on my sedan...
And my sides like Tink said.
Still haven't found painted or mounted them, I'll probably wait til I manage to track down the XT rear so I can just spray both together.
Full kit.
Right place, wrong time, right person, wrong situation
Just a teaser pic taken a few months ago...

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
Evilution, do you scrape that front RK Sport a lot? Im on Tein S springs, but about to be on Sportlines and wanting that kit
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhmmmmmmmmmmm rk sport lip
Modding my j since I found the org
Turbo sport sides here! They the same as the extreme tuner ones tho. lmao
I saw both a yellow & orange Cavalier in my local area with the full kit as well. Both were at least around 5 years ago and I saw only briefly... it's rare but seems fairly common. lol.
blu04DD wrote:Evilution, do you scrape that front RK Sport a lot? Im on Tein S springs, but about to be on Sportlines and wanting that kit
I think it may have had a small gash or two in the bottom edge by the time I took it off, but nothing major..And that was running on Ground Controls dropped about 2.25" all around.
On another note, some sell me their XT Rear!!!!
I want to see that finished!