Razzi kit is ABS and is not a lip, it actually applies over the stock bumpers. The ED one is a Fiberglass hybrid? I personally would trust the original company over a knock off but its up to personal preference.
I love how they are using two .org members that used the Razzi kit for their example pics. The sunburst orange sunfire is Bonedaddy, the red and black one I forget, but I remember seeing the car when he got his projector conversion from Izn Trbl way back when.
Anyways its your call, but I would buy from Razzi.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, August 05, 2008 6:57 PM
my friend actully bought the same lit for his 04 sunfire and it looked very good and he has had no problem with it at all he had to make no mods to put it on either.