Hey there.. i have been looking for cheap lightened hoods on the 'net and i keep coming up with ones that are $300/$400 before shipping and that is just insane.. does anyone here know where i can get a cheap carbon fiber or fiberglass hood?
Also has anyone here fabricated their own hood? A close friend of mine has the skills to work on fiberglass but says it would be 'too hard'.. has anyone rolled their own by making a mold off the original?
Any input is appreciated..

Sadly, no more..
A 3/400 hood is cheap as hell. In order to make one of your own, you'd have to make 2 molds. You'd have to make a negative mold of the top of the hood, and a negative mold of the bottom of the hood (framework). You then make the fiberglass frame, let it dry and hardnen, then use that in the top mold, and roll the edges around the framework.
This is why the hoods are expensive, the molds are difficult to correct so the hoods aren't wavy, and they need to be made in two parts.
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i think if u made your own u would be wasting a lot of time and money. Why not just save up for a hood over time?
That sounds like a smart thing to do.
I've seen carbon fiber hoods for as cheap as $200 plus shipping. Just save up!
i have one for sale for cheap
pm me if you want it
Hood scoops would be okay.. but i want the full weight reduction effect. Where does someone get these $200 carbon fiber hoods anyways? :p..

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TurboEcotec5spdSwap wrote:i have one for sale for cheap
pm me if you want it
which hood u got and how much
$300-$400 is good pricing. There is a cf shortage, so the price on cf has gone up... May bee cheaper to look into a fibergalss hood. You will still get the "full weight reduction effect."
I'm fine with a fiberglass hood too. I can't seem to find any online though. you'd think they would be cheaper.

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Ryan1 wrote:i think if u made your own u would be wasting a lot of time and money. Why not just save up for a hood over time?
That sounds like a smart thing to do.
Because some people like to know that they made things on the car. I plan on making a lip kit mold and making my own custom lip kit and then if a company wants it they can have it.
Good luck tring to find a good quality hood in eather or to fit right and to make your budget.
400.00 would be wicked for a cf hood; well i just spent 940.00 canadian in total for a cf hood shipped to my door with tax. Its a vis invader, so imo it will be well worth the money.
98 j-body sedan
a friend of mine made his own split hood last year, pics of it on here some where, anyways, there were MANY MANY hours put into making it, alot more then the average person wants to put into one. One nice thing is you know very few will try to copy you
Yes i agree that there is nothing like making your own part.. i have a lot of pride in the interior parts i have fabricated to integrate audio / engine controls. Though they took hours to make and i could have just bought premades... my penis grew a couple centimeters just knowing i did that.
The predator hood looks pretty ricey, lol. it looks like a good deal though and maybe i can fill in some of those stupid fake reverse ram air slots before painting it ( i enjoy looking completely stock and having people underestimate me ) then again nopi makes a stock lookalike and that would be better.. hmm :]
thanks for the reccomendations, dudes

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