Man, you rock

You really support this community man! thanks
Those look fantastic!
any reason on keepin the side moldings? Tight door handles tho. That came out real clean. Props... Only car i know of to pull off that kit
hotness. def gonna have to pick up a pair
very nice!! i can think of a certain cav owner that will prolly want to add these to his half carbon fiber car already!! hahahaha
how "strong" are they? i mean, how much can they handle? that would be my only concern. like if your door gets stuck in the winter and you need to tug a bit...
^^ i beleive they are just covers.. Look great tho! good job man!
yeh im pretty sure their just covers too seeing how the handles are rivited on the doors..
Looks nice though
What the customer doesn't know won't hurt him. Send them my way!!
Thanks for the sig, Blakout.
forgot one they roll under the handle to make the lip smooth, or just stop at the end there?
Thanks for the sig, Blakout.
Looks great. Keep up the good work Josh.
I'm in for a set of those bad boys!!!
ill take 2 sets till i shave all 4 handles.... more stuff coming out every day this is what hondas are missing out on the perfect j-body scene.....
man...spring can kill you money wise with new parts and stuff huh? I have to say though I'd be in for a set!!
Great work!
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
"Carbon Fiber Door Handles"
There I said it what do I win?
Looks good man keep up the work

(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Those look AMAZING!!! I can't wait to get a set

!! Perfection takes patients!! Tell your carbon fiber guru that those look GREAT!!
Alexis wrote:forgot one they roll under the handle to make the lip smooth, or just stop at the end there?
I may be ordering some of those!
how well do they stick on....i can see me spending a Fortune on these then they fly off when im driving down the road....kinda like my grill inserts.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
lol, you lost your grill inserts?
they look pretty damn good...... will have to add this to my C/F goodies wish list.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
When u start sellin' em'! send me a PM or email the price on those bad boys, and u will have a buyer 4 a set.
thanks, and they look frickin' awesome!
u definately don't see those everyday!

| < Chillin' Lake Side!
Would they be re-movable? I would'nt want to park in public and some joe-schmoe walk by, like what they see and yonk there now his/her's??
Well if they are like the stick on carbon fiber b-pillar covers then I doubt they will fly off.
My b-pillar covers seem to be stuck really good..