In the .ORG who do yall think has the best looking Jbody.
The only exception is that they cannot be trailer queens, only daily drivers in this
all gens allowed
my vote goes to JoeDM
With kit
click pics to make bigger
I give the vote to the Blue Splash.
EliteCavy wrote:cavattack
most anticipated finish goes to z2flip4
Thanks.... Im not gonna get into this soon to be pissing match, but I agree with the others in saying "Fetter"

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Darkstars wrote:I knwo someone will bitch because I'm posting this but to be honest my car is my favorate.... its the only pone on the whole side thats exactly how I want it to be...
Great cav dark!!! much props
yeah idc if you think your jbody is the best. opinions are different from peopel to people. I def DONT want any arguing on this post, im just interested in people think of the.ORG jbodys.
Post some pics with your favs too if you dont mind. thanks all
I wouldn't complain Dark. You have a badass Cavy over there. I still gotta see it in person.
I forgot Fetter and Mark A
John317 is my all time favorite. He, more than anybody, has shown me the potential of a Sunfire conv.
* Student of the University of Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
my fav is zach hilton
but wait till mine is done
darkstars all right but my opinion i dont like 04 bodystyles.personaly i like erik altmans sunfire its pretty sweet!
EriC Altman doesn't have a sunfire, but his cavilier does look nice
Darkstars wrote:I knwo someone will bitch because I'm posting this but to be honest my car is my favorate.... its the only pone on the whole side thats exactly how I want it to be...

some of my other favorates.... onebadZ24 - 2 tone blue and black shaved w/BC2 kit, zeetwankyfo - black on air and 20's, Zach Hilton - white cav, Soundsgood - silver kited fire, Qwik2k2z24 - silver cav WW kit and blower, theres a bunch that I like but mine is still my favorate, noone else on the site has one that look liek mine
Darkstars, your probably right, right some one will bitch but it wont be me. I love your car, it has to be the cleanest simple cav on here. Keep up the great work, looks awesome!!!!!
CAV: Fetter
FIRE: Piparo
CAVFIRE: Big Poppa
Thanx for the compliments guys
i think it was john317...if his is the green sunfire convt witht he black top