Well i have had this genious idea for awhile. What i wanted to do was put a light behind the part on the Sunfire trunk that normally doesn't light up.
Seen here: (the one on the right)

well after i took off the entire back of the trunk i tried to lift the red part off of the black plastic. Not a smart move.

Cracked a peice right off.(hard to tell in the pic, look carefully) Had to epoxy it back in. It's drying as we speak.
So moral of this story: don't bend plastic. But on a serious note, i am wondering if this is actually possible. Can you separate the red from the black plastic? Any help or ideas are welcome.

"Official Jewish J-Body"
maybe if you heat it up... but even at that i doubt it'll turn out too well.
are they just glued together or is it plastic weld. even if there was just space in between the two i could drill holes for the light. o well

"Official Jewish J-Body"