Alright, I got a 03 Black Cav LS, this is its second winter coming to an end. I have always kept it very clean, waxed it every 1-3 weeks with Magic Colour, Mothers California Gold Carnauba wax and I used Zymol on it a couple of times.
Now that winter is over I want to remove all those freggin swirl mark that accumulated on it. I probably will have to get my front bumper repainted as it is chipped somewhat considerably, damn road salt and sand!!! My Windshield is getting changed also, can't see a damn thing anymore in glaring sun.
Also is there any plastic polish I could apply to eliminates those small nicks on the headlights from again this lovely road sand?? I did a turtle wax heavy duty compound on them and it helped, but I'd like a cleaner and shinier finish.
Any suggestions also on taking all the polish that accumulated on the paint off?
Last thing: I got tinted windows, and I never seem to be able to clean them completely. I know you can't use anything with ammonia on them or they will turn purple, but what do YOU guys use? They,re getting pretty greasy dirty now.
Thank you!!!
hey dude je pense quil utilise plus de sel au québec sur les routes c juste du sable pi de la gravelle
ton windshield polis le avant de le faire changer (ca lair inutile de le faire changer)
pi prend de leau pi du savon pour laver tes vitres ou ben vas chez lebeau acheter leur nettoyant a vitres sans amoniaques! c qqchose comme 11$!!!
english pour favor...
it makes searching for answers quite hard when u cant understand em.
oui, i mean, yeah, please post in english.........although it looked to be helpful
Yes, it was useful!!
For the winshield, I tried polishing it with an orbital waxer and compound, it helped a bit, but it IS really bad right now, and rain really stick to the glass now that the water-repellent finish is gone. This will be my first winshield in 2 years with the insurance, I guess it shouldn,t hurt too bad.
Thanks for the hint about the windows too!
Now about the paint!
I want to make it look as shiny as xOPETHx, I know his is red, but its so shiny and scratches free its unbelievable. How do I refinish my paint without repainting?? Best products out there???
Thank you!
i asked the same kind of question just recently, asked what people used and what worked best, a lot said meguirs (sp?)
Meguiars works great.
Depending on how bad your swirls are, you may have to get a buffer and some compound. But it's really easy to just make the problem worse witha buffer. My advice would be to get some meguiars scratch x and use that with a dual action polisher. A cheap walmart one will do fine. Then, either use the NXT or gold class wax. Car will shine like new.
As for glass, Stoner's glass cleaner works great. Use some crumpled up newspaper as that wil help buff the glass. I wouldn't use the newspaper on the tint however since it might scratch. I like to finish that off with a glass treatment. I've been using rain-x but recently found that tirerack sells a product called aquapel. We used to sell that at a Jiffy Lube I worked at. I highly recomend it. Repels better than rain-x and lasts 6x longer.
If your headlights are nicked, a plastic polish will not take that out. I believe meguairs makes a plastic polish that will get rid of some small scratches.
Pretty much anything megiars makes is awesome.
Meguirs tech wax on the paint, and i think its eagle one scratch and swirl remover on the headlights, works awesome.....
lol, 4th, oh well, im working on it.
Take it to a body shop and get them to detail the outside (buff and polish the paint, then wax it). One of my co-workers is friends with a guy who worked at a bodyshop, and that's what she said works the best for getting that dull look out of the paint. Same with swirl marks. I've got a black, 03 ls coupe and its got swirls on it.. and to be honnest, I don't think it was detailed very well at the dealer (the tires weren't even shiney when I bought it). ANYways, thats what I've heard works best. As soon as the weather gets a bit warmer I'm gonna give the guy a call see what he'll do it for. I might try to get before and after pics too.. just for the hell of it.
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i've seen people paying up to 3 bills for a job like that though, which would be worth it if you had that to throw around, otherwise, put some elbow grease to it
GBro wrote:I know you can't use anything with ammonia on them or they will turn purple
Turning purple is from the sun fading a layer in dye based tint. My tint is purple, but it got installed back in late 1991, and ammonia has never been used on it. It is the dye based 3M tint.
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