I started to install the drift front today. The problem is that it seems to be too wide at the corners. What i mean is that when one side is lined up the other side will stick out about 2 inches past the fender. When i try to sorta squeeze it back towards the fender the middle of the bumper bulges up and seems like its going to crack if it takes much more. is there anything i can do to fix this? Oh, and the crush guard is already cut down to fit. Any help is appreciated
well where did you get the kit from? it could be a cheap kit which is why you have fitment issues. also how did you start to put it on? when i did mine, i lined mine up in the middle and used the 4 push pins under the rad cover to hold it then i wored out from there. when i did mine my sides stuck out a little but i just pushed it in a little and bolted it and it was fine.
Its a Versus/Versis (sp) bumper, ive heard nothing but good things from people about the fitment of their stuff. I tried starting with the four in the middle then working out and i think it would work but it seems like theres an awful lot of pressure on the corners that way.
depends on what you mean by alot of pressure. mine seemed like it was tight to get in but once i put the bolts in the fender wells, then it was fine and i had mine on for over a year now and i havent had any problems
Its not the best solution, but you can use a heat lamp or heat gun to soften up the fiberglass, and then move it around a lil bit, its not a fix all but a good way to get out warps and take shape quickly, when you get it where you want it, soak it with cold water on a towel or rag to get it to stay be careful with the heat and dont use a torch.
make sure the bumper is not hitting anything to prevent it from fitting right.
Washer Resivour, crush guard, horn... anything around the bumper.
mine did the same ting i have a blitz front and it did wat u were saying stiking out like 2 inches on one side the crush panel trimmed too its a lil bukled in the middle but its right in the center so i left it like that instead of screwin around with it its centered so y mess with it
unless urs buckles more on one side then the other well mightt need fixing up
hope this helps knowing ur not the only one its happened too
00 cavi now in body shop
The kit is too big, you got ripped off...
Send it back and ask for one that actually fits the car. I've seen it before with the drift kit... the ony way to make it fit, would be to cut out 2 inches fromt he center of the bumper and fiberglass it back together.... even then, it might offset your lights..
I would send it back.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
Damn! Now I feel really bad.
He bought it from me this week. I got it last summer from Ground Dynamics. All I did was drill two holes, so I could mount one side to my car to get a good look of how it flowed with my kit. I decided I liked my Bomex front better so I packed it up and put it away.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/amarkham/bomexcavi6sig.jpg">
Here is a pic of the bumper I sold him. I took this when I had it on the car to see how it looked last summer.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/amarkham/bomexcavi6sig.jpg">
call me crazy...........but that lookslike it fits verygood from waht i could see
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
Dont feel bad, i got it to work tonight. Took a little of doing but shes on there. I noticed some strange things when i was putting it on, looks like the frame of my car was tweaked somewhere along the line before i had it. Nothing too bad but probably enuf to throw it off. Ill put pics up when i gets out of the shop for paint.
Mine was the same exact way dude. I had to just squeeze the ends together as hard as I could and screw those bolts in really fast
Luckily it hasn't cracked...
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
Yeah, if the car has EVER been damaged in the front, you WILL have fitment
problems. I did.
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he`s right if the car has sway in the uni-body nothing will fit right
i have done this before to a kit i had to cut a small section out and re glass it in spots to correct the problem some f/b kits fit real good some don`t and take allot to make it fit
3 rules in frame work are lenghtx width x height
take a tape measure and go from the first hood hinge bolt to the first fender bolt on a diagnal do opposite side so your basicly doin a X pattern
the go from first hinge bolt to first fender bolt in a straight line do opposite side
then measure from ground to the top of the core support or go to ground to top of the frame rail
another easy way to tell if the rail`s are straight take a level ya know with the bubble in it and lay it acroos the re-bar or the top of the core support just make sure your on a level ground and air psi in the tires are correct
sounds complicated but it`s not very simple
can i haz bondo