I have finally found myself a winter source of transporation for next year and will have it in the fall. Its only going to cost me about 200 in gas to drive it up here from flordia. I am gettin a 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser limited for $0 dollars in white. My grandparents cannot find a need to have 2 cars in their old age so, i am next in line to recive a car from them in the family. I am wicked excited! It will have less miles than my cavy will have. It only has 12K miles on it and no rust! Anyone know how much car insurance will be for having 2 cars on the road for a 19 yr old and flawless record?
Man, beater cars are supposed to suck.
I'm jealous, sweet deal!
Um, my beater is a 92 sunbird..
my beater is a 96 cavalier.
I know it friggen awsome. I can put the cavy away and only drive her on dry nice sunny days. I just hope my insurance isn't going to nail me in the nuts. I still owe 3 more years on the cavy and i need full coverage and the 1600 a yr is a killer. So it might have to be in my parents name but my car. The cavy is like that right now. Damn.. i have almost 55K on the cavy for a 99.
you suck really really bad
beater? I have never been a fan of the PT. Just dont like the looks. But i would take one in a heart beat and i would not turn it into my winter beater. Especially one that nice. I would def do some work...
my beaters a cavalier. and 86 suby gl hatch. soon to be 2.5 rs hatch
A beater car to replace a car that cost 10k brand new? Hmm new logic
I know i couldn't just drive it in the winter.. So that is why i am trying to see how much my insurance will be to drive it all year long like i do with the cavy. I have too much money invested into the cavalier, and more thats waiting to be put in. So it would be stupid to just use that as a beater. I might just even turn it into a show or performance sedan or just a summer toy. Who knows...
i'd sell it and the cav and by a real car.
Look in the signature. Thats my beater.
FOURTWENTY240sx wrote:i'd sell it and the cav and by a real car.
I have too much money into the cavalier and still owe about 4K on the loan. So i think i will stay where i am. I like the PT crusier. Its like having a Z24 since it has a 2.4L.. lol
ouch, i paid 7500 for a 99 z24 fully loaded with 37k on the clock in 01. sold it last month for 5500 with 89k. i guess i got my money's worth.
^^ I bought an extended warrenty for 5 yrs 100,000 miles and thats why the loan came to 8K and the car only had 27K on it when i bought it. Sticker price was 5,900 and 500 down payment, extended warrenty was $1660 and $511.85 taxes and the rest in for i the interest rate.
umm why would you want a car that is better then your car to be your "beater" the point of the beater is so you can beat on it an treat it like @!#$ and crash it in the winter instead of your show car, you dont have a car that needs to have a beater....your cav is a beater...
I'm cruising a 95 Neon will all the paint falling off of it. It's a real looker!!
Ok then. I'll rephrase it. I am gettin a new car that i will drive all year round. But still keeping the cav.
i had a 91 civic dx rust bucket POS that blew up in midwinter... so i went and got a 92 ford taurus.. and this thing is CHERRY. but like someone said.. it's fun to have a V-6 in the snow to throw around and run into snow banks with. while the cavy sits in the garage.
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
this is my summer car 1979 formula firebird with a 455. The 98 fire gt is the winter beater but im getting the itch to do some engine mods.
P.S i know the engine compartment is dirty

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
i drive a 1990 geo prizm for my beater. i have a weid attachment to this car, its a peice of junk but it runs mint and starts every time.

Looking for sunfire front end parts for cavfire swap. Im me!
My xtreme in the sig
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=160213&cat=25&val=1" target="new"><img src="http://j-body.org/registry/forestada/new%20sig.jpg" border="0"></img></a>
my beater is my escort wagon. then again, thats really my only car
a 99 prelude 5spd is the beater
| '89 Z24 Auto | '99 Prelude 5spd | '04 GS500F | '05 HD 883L |
Used to be this '89 Civic hatch until it died...
<IMG SRC="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/rdlsz24/civic.jpg" width="332" height="182">
Now I am looking for a truck so I have something to haul my ATV in and so I don't have to drive the GTO in bad weather... cause it sucks in snow.
Sold 2/2/05