Looks like fun. Cant beat a 5spd and 4 doors.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
i have a video of a nice pull on but havent taken the time to upload it yet. I will tonight or tom. though Its a blast.
I sense a sleeper car in the works.......
Nice car. It's classy, Ballsy enough to race (if you so choose). But also looks just plain comfy to drive.
I say well done.

" Aint nothin' but a Peanut!"
very nice.
i have become a big fan of volvos lately.
I can see where my s60r got its good looks ha ha
thanks everyone. Good plans coming for this car. It will remain pretty much the same on the outside. Im going for a clean sleeper look.
ill take some engine shots tonight and post them up. I havent detailed or cleaned it up any. It needs a little engine degresser and some touch up and it will look pretty good
Very nice car man!
Start saving money for when you need new brakes/exhaust/suspension work though. Trust me.
Have fun!!!
Sweet you can haul ass to get the kids to soccer practice =P
LMAO j/k man looks nice
thanks. Also repairs really arent that bad. I just did replace the rear rotors and pads. ended up being about 150 bucks for the rotors and pads. Not bad at all. Also on the site I joined www.volvospeed.com there is a volvo dealership that someone knows the people on the inside and can get oem genuine parts from for next to nothing.
haha thats always good. I do suggest tinting the tail lights a little
they are too bright with the black car IMO