So my friend and I have been fixing up this bike for me to ride and learn on, the only issue is, that it needs coil packs and we can't find them anywhere online...
Any help?
Coil Packs and wires if can find em, thanks!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, July 21, 2008 6:58 PM
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
What kind of coils packs do those bikes have? Two coils with two plug wires on each? If so, find just about any early/mid 90's 4-cylinder with coils that look close and put them in.
Brown Eye wrote:What kind of coils packs do those bikes have? Two coils with two plug wires on each? If so, find just about any early/mid 90's 4-cylinder with coils that look close and put them in.
Yes 2 coils, 2 wires each...
thats what we thought but when we started looking around 2 yamaha shops said you need to get the exact same ones
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
eh, well, getting the exact ones would be best, but, most carb'd I4's from that era use a CDI ignition, and the coil resistance should be about the same from one bike to another