Well ladies and gents, I've gone from my little silver cavi that was great on fuel, to my GMC Sierra. I'll tell you I could'nt wait to see that car gone at first, but now, I really miss it, although I love my truck. Everytime a cavi drives by I well up with tears.........well not quite but I do miss it, it was a great car. I'd like to raise a toast to my 02 Silver Cav.
What year is your GMC? I just bought a cheap '89 GMC Sierra Classic S15 as my new beater and work horse, but I still have my Sunfire. Aside from needing new fenders it was perfect. I love the thing. Nice change from the fire once in a while.
"For some reason it is a very American thing to do to take highly unlikely vehicles and stick insane engines in them at huge cost for no reason." Oh hell yeah!!
The Hellserpent
^ www.s10forum.com
sell the sunfire because u'll get addicted to the dime lol
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