Not sure if this has been posted before, but came across this car, an Audi A8 made in real silver.
I have also seen pics of his house and cannot seem to find them now, here is the
Link If you can find his house pictures and other cars you are in for a treat, and post them here.
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
wow did you read all of it?
you owned yourself
it says at the bottom that it isnt actual silver
No it doesn't. it just says that it being silver is not the reason its so shiny, they used a special polish or something to give it that chrome effect.......and I did just skim through it and I could have missed something and if it is not legit then I am sorry, still looks cool though!
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
not being a dick or at least trying not to be but from the site at the bottom below the pics:
The photographs displayed above are genuine, but they don't quite depict an automobile "made from solid silver." The shiny appearance of the Audi A8 pictured here is not due to its being made of silver, but to a customization involving a special polishing technique used to produce a chrome-like finish, for which the car's Dubai owner engaged the firm Motoren Technik Mayer (MTM), based in Wettstetten, Germany.
so its not silver
Well I read the first part that said it was silver and jumped to the conclusion and believed it, I said I only skimed through but still thought the car look cool so I posted pics.......I dont see how that is getting owned but okay
hope fully some one will just enjoy the pics rather then going to a site to prove that someone is wrong.......but in this case I was wrong so I will accept
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
we all liked that car about 2 years ago when the pictures originally surfaced.