Nice car how you liking it so far? What type of options did you get? I did the build you own thing and realized the not much is standard on it and once you start adding on the price starts to climb pretty fast. Not that you can do much about it but the front licence plat really looks horrible on the Solstice.

yea what do you think of it over the cav?

The one, the only, ME.
I am loving it over the cav. And my cav was pretty much done up over 20G's invested into it. But really the cav cant really compare to this car. The price alone sets it off from the cav. I got everything put on it except XM,on star and the 6 Cd changer. with tax and everything it came to 38900 i think
aj wrote:with tax and everything it came to 38900 i think
don't they start at 19k, how much was dealer markup? Still sex on wheels regardless the price.
hows the 2.4L Ecotec feel compared to a decently modded 2.2 eco or 2.4? if you know

The one, the only, ME.
dave lee wrote:aj wrote:with tax and everything it came to 38900 i think
don't they start at 19k, how much was dealer markup? Still sex on wheels regardless the price.
38900 Canadian..............right?
yes defentitly
i jsut priced one
and it came to $35,000 cdn plus taxes
yea sorry that is canadian funds.
As for the motor it is really nice. In my cav I have the Quad 4 motor to. This car will hit 200hp with just intake header catback, and if you get a chip for it and tune the car that should bring it up close to another 20hp. Right now the car is running really rich and it needs to be tuned. But no1 out there has tried to tune one yet. So pretty much we are on hold for the tuning part right now.
aj wrote:yea sorry that is canadian funds.
As for the motor it is really nice. In my cav I have the Quad 4 motor to. This car will hit 200hp with just intake header catback, and if you get a chip for it and tune the car that should bring it up close to another 20hp. Right now the car is running really rich and it needs to be tuned. But no1 out there has tried to tune one yet. So pretty much we are on hold for the tuning part right now.
A chip? Am I wrong in thinking the Solstice is OBDII just like the J-Body and probably all other current GM vehicles?
First of all, I'd like to thank wesmanw02 for being such a Cobalt-nut-sucking tool.
Secondly, I'd like to thank Travis Kearny for being so entertaining.
I <3 falnfenix, JimmyZ, Borsty, NJHK, and all the other intelligent people on JBO
To tell u the truth i think u are right BUT, there is no solstice company saying it works or anything like that. There are only 2-3vendors offering parts for this car right now. And until one of them says it is good to go. No1 is going to touch their Solstice.