Messing with a TDI golf, smoke everywhere when the car runs, had to get value block readings for the turbo before it could be replaced (though t it was the turbo) the car made no bosst at all. Starting taking apart and got a nice surpise.... on the intake side of the turbo the nut onthe end of the shaft walked itself off, sucked into the blade shot through the turbo na djamed into the intorcooler, which then cause the exhuast side with the shaft still attached to remove itself form the turbo and get wedged into the catalitic convertor which then meant an oil surply line for the turbo was dumping oil straigh tinto the exhaust before the cat, the car went through about 3 qts of oil in roughly 5 minuets, it happened suddenly so the customer drove it in. So long story short turbo fell to pieces oil filled the exhaust, intercooler was punctured, and engine was ol starved and took out bearings.... The car gets a new engine, turbo, intercooler, full exhaust form the manifold to the tip....
if your gonna take out an engine thats the way to do it hahahahaha, I'll try to take some pics tommarow.
Gotta love customers with blinking oil level warnings and screaming alarms who decide to "drive it in anyway" lol....
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
seems like it wasnt really the customers fault
just an unlucky occurance
and quite a messy one
well he didn't deciede to cruise aorund.. he was about a mile away form the dealership when it started smoking, and lost power, liek I said the surply line was pouring oil straight into exhaust, so it used up all the oil really really quick, I don't blame him for not pulling over and geting it towed liek 3 blocks from the dealership
damn....wicked way to ruin an engine....and about everything else under the hood lol
I want to see pics of this!!
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Now that is definitely the way to take out a Diesel.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
I took a couple pics with my cell phone, nextel but ever since the merger with Sprint when I e-mail them to myself they are only like thumbnail size
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Scarab (Jersey Jay 1.8T) wrote:Classic!
Gotta love customers with blinking oil level warnings and screaming alarms who decide to "drive it in anyway" lol....
ya wouldnt be the customers fault on that one.. true sign of stupidity a friend of mine one of her friends from NY had a 05 malibu here in az when she moved.. it rained we get flooded roads a lot AKA washes where the road crossed a dry river bed.. anyways she drove through it the car stalled but didnt suck water in. so they push her car slightly out and start it and tell her to drive slow she floors it getting water in to the motor.. the dealer told her to have the car towed in since it ran but @!#$ty.. well she drove it to the dealer the service guy told her well thank you now 2500 in damage is now 5500 in damages.

"Theres a time in every mans life where he hits a cross roads and...wait...are you wearing panties?"