Hey. I stumbled across this website not long after I wrecked my 2000 Cavalier. I was merging into traffic, check all my blind spots, and got fishtailed by a Semi. If that would have been it, I could have driven away, but I had lost control of the car and hit the concrete guard rail. then I was pushed down it by the semi, who was pushing me from my drivers side door, until my bumper cover fell off. The good news is that I came out of it with an abrasion on my arm from where the steering wheel split and the airbag popped out, and a bruise about 2 inches under my knee.
Anyway, I decided to post the story here because I know everyone on this website loves their car as much as I loved mine. Hah, I was never really upset about being hurt, I was upset that the only car I have ever owned, that was given to me by my parents, was gone. We never had a problem with anything under the hood, and it had ~135,000 miles on it. I know I should have had full coverage on my car, but my insurance company told me that the value of the car wasn't worth having it. Which it really wasn't. When I insured the car, it was aready in poor condition from when my parents owned the car (1 parking lot accident that was never *really* fixed and a dent in the driver's side front panel) I would have only gotten ~1500-2000 for the car if I carried full coverage, and I would have put in 3x's that over the last 4 years.
I know I never put much into the car, hah the best i did was a kenwood mp3/cd radio, but my car had a real personality
and I'm going to miss it.
Here is where the semi initially hit me:
This is the front end damage from the guard rail:
And this is where the truck hit me again, he was almost at a stop at the time. (the door still opens and closes, the window rolls up and down, it's weird)
like with all glad you ok
and thank you for the carnage pics
HOLY SH!T wtf happend ?????
I'm really glad to see you're okay. That looks intense.
Your fight begins tonight.