came home like two days ago and someone had smashed in my rear window, it was all broken but nothing was missing like if they were bored and just decided to break it. me and my friend got tape and put a piece of plastic in case it rained or something and this morning i woke up and someone had ripped it all up, im @!#$ getting tired of this i think ima post up on my balcony with my ruger mini 14 and see who the hell it is and blast em away, im so pissed right now just when i had the money to finish my turbo kit this happens
I feel ya,idiots did the same to me but funny thing is I have a vert. and they didn't cut it just punched out my trunk lock,tried to punch out the pass. side lock as well.They got my system,radar det. and mp3 player.Be thankful you don't have any bodywork to do,and I would advise a good alarm system and don't shoot anyone.Just get a good surveillance setup and run it to your vcr and tape on a daily basis or when your sleeping.It's probably someone you know.
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
i have an alarm but my battery went out and when i replaced them i didnt know how to reprogram it so i would turn off the alarm, it would just keep ringing so i just ended up disconnecting it
brand?and usually if you replace the batt. in the remote you just hit the arm/disarm button and it automatically reprograms the remote.
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
its a viper i think, an older model ive taken it to places here around town but they wont touch it unless they carry it, i replaced them and they told me to hold it or something like that and i tried it and it didnt really do anything except make the alarm go off and my car didnt wanna start