hey .org friends .. i have a quick question .. could our cars run safe in a circuit race track ? of course with its proper mods
what would be need it in order to do this ? have someone done this before?
I think he means a road course. And I imagine so. Why couldn't it?
I think in most cases (if I'm on the right page here), you need a cage and some safety equipment on board. Not sure exactly what, tho. Other than that, make sure the interior has a place to sit, a steering wheel, and something to start the engine with. Everything else goes in the dumpster, save maybe a few crucial pieces of monitoring equipment for when the car feels funny.
If you really want to know, go down to the track in question and ask. Not trying to be a dick, but if you want to race, they'll gladly help you do it, and make sure you know what you need to stay safe while you do it. They may even give/sell you a rulebook, which can be very helpful in modifying your car otherwise.
2010 Honda Fit LX