I'm sure alot of you are familiar with my "new" 84 Honda CRX (it's in my profile for those of you who arent, before saying my car is slow because its a CRX, check it). I'm looking for some tips on racing. A friend of mine went racing in my car and got it going 110mph at the 1/4 mile. I can only seem to get it going 100mph at the 1/4 mile. Any tips would help.
Basic tips I'm looking for are: reducing wheelspin, what RPM to shift (or a calculation to figure it out), HOW to shift (the friend wasnt using the clutch from what I saw), between gears (I noticed I get a burst of speed if I put the clutch in for a second in the middle of a gear, due to the motor reving faster), and otherwise ways to improve my times.
Here's what I do in a race now:
Starting - I rev to 3000RPM and drop the clutch & floor it (big burnout)
Shifting - I shift at 6000RPM
How I shift - Clutch in, release gas, up one gear, hit gas, clutch out
In between - Just flooring it
1/4 Mile speed - 100mph
1/4 mile time - have yet to find an accurate stop watch
Read the profile to see what my car has in it.
huuuhh the crx can rev to much more than 6000, depending on your engine. shift at red line, that might be your problem right there.
15.891 @ 88 mph stock, still getting @!#$ty launches...
My tach goes to 8 or 9k. It's a 1989 Acura Integra 1.6L motor so I'm not exactly sure where the peak is. I found a site that gives you alot of info on how to calculate exactly where to shift according to your peaks; you actually shift a bit above the peak so that you're better set up for the next gear, and my car has more power in the higher RPM's than in the lower, meaning from a dead stop and starting in 2nd gear, my 0-100 time is like 15 secs or more. I usually do that in cities to save gas, save my tires (I have a hard time keeping my wheels from spinning in 1st), and have a more controlled start. I shift into 1st for power because the gear ratio for that one is pretty low, I have to shift about 1/2 second (when the wheels get traction) after starting, but the thing flies through 2nd, 3rd and 4th (by 4th I'm already doing 160+)
really you launch is key, lower the air pressure in your tires a bit reduce will hop, practice on your car,shifting only to first, ever has a point where you can put themost power least amound of spin, make sure yout tires a warm, ask you friend if he can how you how to power shift, now that burst of speed, well cause your engine is no longer pulling or pushing your tires, you are in a momentary coast, then the engine reconects and you get a shake, i dont think that is really helping, last practice you up shifs, they ned to be very quick, should not take mor then a sec to change gears, when they speack of shifting just past the peak, that well get to know your car, you will feel the power kind of level out the rpm slow on how fast it is going up the cars losses it pull feeling that is where you should be shifting rith before you hit the dead spot on the top of that gear
When you are burning out you are losing forward momentum down the track. A not tire spin launch should bring down your 1/4 mile times. Also shallow staging helps with 1/4 mile mph. If you stage shallow, your 1/4 mph will be higher than if you stage deep. If you stage deep your 1/4 mile might stay the same, but you overall mph will lower a little.
Also if you do not have slicks do not do a burnout, and do not go through the water box. This also pisses of the people behind you because you drip water all over the starting line. On street tires do a little wheel spin to remove any debris from the tires. Also lower tire pressure to you have as much surface contact as you can have say 26-28psi, unless you are on low profile tires. If you are on low profile tires leave the psi around stock recommended. Also you can over inflate you rear tires a little to reduce friction between the tires and the concrete. Not more than max psi for tire. Do not want to blow it up.
Check tire pressure after every run. Tire pressure will go up.
Remove all junk out of car, also can remove jack, spare tire, and everything else in the trunk. Every hundred pounds is about 0.1 of a second off your time, in the 1/4 mile.
Find what works best for you, either dropping clutch or feathering clutch from launch. Also you can use the e-brake to stay at the line...
Say 3000 rpm to start then move up or down in 500 rpm increments till you find the sweet spot.
Only change one thing at a time, to see what helps or hurts your times.
Always remember track conditions change through out the course of the event. Learn to change with them.
If you are at a sportsman tree (I'll bet 95% chance you are) leave when the last yellow light, lights up. You reaction time should not be faster than that to still get a green light.
Well i think that covered it. Hope that helps.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
well I dont do pro racing though I would much rather race at an actual track rather than a highway
Just couldnt find a JDM Black top ZC could you?
not exactly sure what JDM and ZC mean but I'm guessing you mean a legal track? If so, my city is getting one soon, or so I've heard. Noone knows exactly where it will go but the street racing is frequent here, so they just want to keep us crazy street racers off the streets.
I personally cant wait, hopefully it'll have a dyno, so I can finally get some numbers for you guys.