The saturn vue carries a very powerful honda built motor known as the j35a3 aka the gm L66. before we go honda bashing lets get this gm owns fuiji motors which is the company who makes the engines for honda. anyway to the point. L66 3.5L carrying 250hp has been speculated to bolt up to a 282 getrag-muncie. i have only found one thing saying it will work and it's a short answer by a gm tech on Im going to be gone for six months with no ability to do anything on the net except check this and my yahoo. This summer im looking to take my 96 z24 throw it in the air and gut the engine bay, im looking to put in a v6 but im trying to be more original then just the same old stuff. I spent about 8 months at UTI before i lost my job so my knowledge of wiring and diagrams is pretty amazing so im looking forward to a long challenging swap with this sort of potential.
What does anyone else think or know?
weres it made? and were is it put in to the vehichle? well now nevermind, this ain't the old days anymore.....I was about to go off, but I can't, it's sad, listen to a song it's called shuttin detroit down, its so on point
They build the Saturn motors at my dads Honda plant in Anna, Ohio.
I like the idea. Go for it and see how it turns out.
I have the same idea!

the 2.2 in my 99 is about shot so I was looking around to see what hasn't been done as far as swaps go. (why be reasonable and put the money towards a new car? LOL) I've read alot about the eco's and 3800's etc etc but haven't seen anything on the L66 so my goal is to put that or the J35 from honda and switch it from an auto to stick.
basically you will want the vue in your cav, i would look into the honda forums for more info on the engine, i assume stand alone is the option on this one.