poor cavy has had a rough life. not sure if i would buy it or not....
Pass go ,collect $200 and find yourself a nice 2003 -2005 ecotec powered cavy ,trust me there are alot out there for $2000-$3000 .Save up for it and you wont regret it later.
Listen to these guys ECO powered J's can be found for relatively cheap now a days save up and go for one of those.
Cheap does not equal good deal.
Unless your a body guy, fixing that rear quarter panel will cost you the same as if you found a car in better shape.
The title of this thread instantly made me think of Tony Montana and one of my favorite thread ever.
I would buy it for a beater, so you can modify your DD!
Well probably in the states you could find a cavy for 2000$ but down here in the USVI used cavs are 4000$(used cars here are expensive even with bad condition). But i will pass thanks for the advice, i just wanted a two door of this body type from long but i will wait.