JCO hearts JBOM...
Thanks again for the good times at the hotel...
You guys are nuts... I tell you what, OG Nick makes it around the Midwest like its his job hahaa.. That dude is everywhere!!!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
did cop pull one of you over? what happens? lol
is that the famous, nerf football in the head at the pool at last ohio bash?
looks like something to pencil in for sure next year.
Steve could tell a story about Canadian cops, nothing major though, still definately lame.
...and yes Vincent, Hoffa was taunting me with it!!!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, June 09, 2008 7:18 PM
u guys are crazy mofo's!
way 2 represent the j-body community! man, i love it!
WiGM-Tuners member.
I had lots of fun with you guys as usual. Cant wait for ohio.
so much fun....yet im so far away *sigh*. nice pics man. looks like a blast

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
looks like you guys had a helluva time!
Lmfao. It was good meetin some of you guys, especially you T2.. you're one crazy fawker hahaha
Like always...A picture with my ass, a beer in my hand, and me doing something retarded!!
Awesome weekend everyone. Definatley one of the weekends I look forward to every year.
And by the way...I can't help but notice that there is not a picture of me in my uniform with grass stains like I was promised!! :p

Go Go OG Traction!!
Looks like a good time
Nice pics
Any idea what the hood cover was worth in the first pic, looks handy
Holy crap that looked like fun!
I <3 the red sedan
Shawn Coleman wrote:did cop pull one of you over? what happens? lol
Lmfao, no man.. that wasn't a cop.. that was a car racing
He was runnin good times too
who brought all the hot bitches? we know they don't grow em that nice in canadia eh
already seems like weeks ago.
that was a great weekend, great party great fun, nice to meet some new faces, joe your a great guy, it was nice to finally meet ya
redbadged wish you could have come hopefully see all of you at the bash in july
ya it was a great time and it was good to meet some of you
hey todd did you ever find your antenna?
i already cant wait till next year
carey965 wrote:ya it was a great time and it was good to meet some of you
hey todd did you ever find your antenna?
i already cant wait till next year 
unfortunately i did not

which means there is a shorty antenna with an american flag attached to it somewhere in sparta!! haha
thank you joe for a bunch of new pictures and my new myspace picture!!

did you have any of me on the track?
jco is good