very nice now get some rims and it will be golden
what kinda setup are u running?
well they are air strut cylinders all the way around. i have 1/2 hose hooked up to all of them. with and 8 gallon tank. i dont know what kind of air compressor it is but it works well. i dont know what they are called but i have the ekstensive metal works valves or what i call them air intake and blow off valves lol. paid $450 for it through an org member. (thanks 830cavalier)
sounds like a good deal any rubbing issues when dropped? did it lower it much when fully inflated?
yea i need to roll the fenders. im doing it right now but taking a break its hot as hell out side. and the rear tire is rubbing the strut when its all the way down. thats why im trying to get some spacers.
did it lower it much when fully inflated?
what do you mean?
when u put them all the way up did u make the car look dropped or about the same height as factory? also how high does it sit off the ground any thing close?
yea all the way up is about between stock and aftermarket lowering. the #5 pic is the back up all the way. um all the way up it clears everything. i was happy about that. but when i drive i have to have the front up all the way or ill hit the fender. thats why i need to rol them. but back to the hieth all the way up a coke can can fit under the side skirt.
wait a sec are you the same guy thats on welfare and using all this money on your car? not trying to be a dick but honestly if you are you should get your priorities straight. I don't know about everyone else but i don't want my hard earned money that the gov takes and gives to you to go to pimping your ride so to speak. I mean feeding your son and family is one things and keeping a roof over their head and clothes on their back is another but using are tax dollars to put air ride on your ride thats messed up.(for lack of a better word)
by the way the ride does look nice
disclaimer if this is not the same person sorry in advance but it just looks a lot like the same guy, but if you are you make me sick!
Tyler Lemburg wrote:wait a sec are you the same guy thats on welfare and using all this money on your car? not trying to be a dick but honestly if you are you should get your priorities straight. I don't know about everyone else but i don't want my hard earned money that the gov takes and gives to you to go to pimping your ride so to speak. I mean feeding your son and family is one things and keeping a roof over their head and clothes on their back is another but using are tax dollars to put air ride on your ride thats messed up.(for lack of a better word)
by the way the ride does look nice
disclaimer if this is not the same person sorry in advance but it just looks a lot like the same guy, but if you are you make me sick!
He's not on welfare, and looking at your profile age meaning you're 18 and JUST graduated...what hard earned money and tax dollars?? I know this guy personally and he's not dumb with his money. Him and his fiance BOTH work and take care of there kid very well.
the jbo is not really a place where people go to ask for money help
deftonesfan817(martin edmonds) wrote:Tyler Lemburg wrote:wait a sec are you the same guy thats on welfare and using all this money on your car? not trying to be a dick but honestly if you are you should get your priorities straight. I don't know about everyone else but i don't want my hard earned money that the gov takes and gives to you to go to pimping your ride so to speak. I mean feeding your son and family is one things and keeping a roof over their head and clothes on their back is another but using are tax dollars to put air ride on your ride thats messed up.(for lack of a better word)
by the way the ride does look nice
disclaimer if this is not the same person sorry in advance but it just looks a lot like the same guy, but if you are you make me sick!
He's not on welfare, and looking at your profile age meaning you're 18 and JUST graduated...what hard earned money and tax dollars?? I know this guy personally and he's not dumb with his money. Him and his fiance BOTH work and take care of there kid very well.
My mistake on your age, but flaming him when you don't know him personally or his situation isn't cool.
did you not read the disclaimer. there was a guy on this forum from texas and had a sig very similar to his. i already stated if it wasn't him sorry in advance and i did give him props on the car. and yes ill be 22 next month not 18. Also I have been working since i was 14. And believe it or not i have a house a fiance and 11 month old son and pay for all my fiances bills as well as tuition for her college. So before you start trying to tell me about not having paid any tax dollars get your facts straight. All i was stating is if he was on welfare to that i found it pretty low of him to use that money to mod a car instead of use it for his family. But since he is not all is retracted as i stated in the disclaimer. Obviously i got the wrong person so flame on or whatever makes you feel better. But i did state if it wasn't him sorry in advance.
love the org. well just to make the story more clear. yes i am that guy and yes i was getting help getting by. that was a long time ago. it was either get help and stay in my house or be dumb and get kicked out. remember i pay tax dollars to. everyone may need help in the long run. thanks for your concern and bluntness. but i have not had help from the state of TEXAS in a while now. and the air ride was a gift for fathers day. not out of my pocket. i know how to treat people and they do nice favors for me. try it and you wont hate life as much. sorry for the childness to everyone else. but tyler thanks for the good comments on my car.
u guys belong on an oprah forum!
WiGM-Tuners member.
well nice to see you got thanks taken care and back on your feet. i never said that getting help from the state is a bad thing. but to me(which others may think differently) getting help and not using for things that you need is not right. Everyone has there wants but when you are barely getting by and use what extra money you get from the state on modding a car then i see it as being irresponsible especially if you have a child and wife. and the comment about helping people i do everyday. Hell just today i gave someone my old rotors and brake pads (from my jeep) that were barely used because i thought they were bad.(which they weren't it was the rear..... damn it) but anyway he couldn't afford new ones and i just gave them to him. I just like to be forward and honest with people and if that means i have to be blunt about it so be it.
also when the money comes available i would look into so different rims (prob 18's would set it off nicely)
i see where you where coming from man. it's cool. but yea i would like to get some 18's. i had the motegi ff7's but my wife hit a curb doing 70. car ran her off the road.
yea they did not hold up lol. but i kinda like the ls sport rims. ill get some new ones when i get bored with these.
Didn't mean to blast ya dude. Just very protective of my homies.
is it me or is ur rear wheels bowing inward at the top?
do u have any pics of the setup of the system?
ill get a pic in a min. the tire is straight. i see what you mean about it looking bent but its fine. hang on let me go take a pic.
nice pickup man. glad somebody got it!!

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
you need to get some rims. and then give me your ls sport rims