was looking around ebay for a car to pick up cheap for my Ecotec swap 9if you have any let me know) and I came across two of these and have never seen it before. Anyone have and insight on this?
i was like its a stock four door 2200 and then i saw the trunk and was like OKAY thats something new LOL
yea that's what i thought, I was looking for the eco and was curious it was on another cav set up exactly like that, I thought it was kinda odd
there was a post sometime ago on here about them. their a somekinda, well um hippie car i guess. I guess a company bought some and turned them into these natural gas runnin cars for company cars and such, i think thats how it was..
bi-fuel, meaning it runs on gas and CNG (compressed natural gas). the thing in the trunk is the CNG tank. there's no real place for it underneath the car.
there's lots of bi-fuel Cavs out there.
Desert Tuners

“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
Didn't know if gm did it with a couple as a trial thing or what. The one looks really stock looking
alot of people on here want them for that neat little gas door on the rear end.. then they just relocate the gas cap there and shave the gas door
Yea i had that thought pop into my head as soon as I saw it! lol
lol ok i was way off. I dont think you could move the gas cap there were that one is its not high enough is it?
When I saw it I was like OKay?! WTF is to special about this then I saw the Chevy symbol on the first one and I was like why's that there and why does that filler pannel have a opening in it? Then I was like HOLY CRAP I've never seen that either!
So if the tank is in the trunk what is the other fill there for?
ive seen about 2 of these around my neighborhood. i remember them because i saw the filler plate and it had that slot to pull on it. the ones i saw had a small decal but i dont remember what it said. i remember it had something to do with fuel.
theres one in a junk yard near where i live, the tank takes up the whole trunk
There wa sone for sale here in Mt awhile back..... they waante dlike 9k for a 2001! Fugg that.
A Lot of Government Vehicles on the large bases such as Camp Pendleton, CA where I was stationed at have large fleets of the CNG vehicles. Vans, Small Cars, Buses, etc. They have CNG refueling stations accross the bases. Cheaper and more effeicent as well as more eco friendly.
NightmareSS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC STG 2
I wouldnt mind having a CNG car as a beater.
IIRC, GM produced them and sold them mainly in the southern states, especially Arizona, as some sort of trial.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
first detailed pictures I've of how everything is ran.
They could have put the bow tie in the right spot.
I really like how they hid the filler.
Hey guys,
GM did a limited run of these Cav's in '01 & '02. I say limited because the option package nearly doubled the price of the car. Up here in Canada, the option was over $9000 CAD!! Besides all of the CNG system, the package also included a special version of the 4T45E, which was closer to what you would find in the N cars. Just a little info for ya!
Does anyone have any part numbers for these? Or are there even part numbers for them? I want that black bracket that is over the valve cover.