Got a little present from a friend today. Screamin awesome deal too, I am real excited.
On the exterior to do list:
Black corners and painting the wheels gunmetal, as well as new springs to even out the drop. Im thinking Sprints.
On the interior to do list:
Rear deck to replace the rear seat and almost finished upholstering the doors.
Feedback rules!
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looking good again, whered you get that hood though, as it doesnt have the smaller vents on the side? is that a used WW hood like QBE had?
Damn you TIM.... must be your making me get my ass in gear arn't you?
Ha Ha... i will whore up this forum on tuesday, something BIG is comming.
^^ nope.. I think they're back in production. But not under wings west though.
I love the hood and it looks good on there! Paint the wheels black!
- Darren -||- -||-
wow? if that cf? or was it a custom made hood from the evo hood? only thing different about it is it doesn't have the vents on both sides of the hood. that looks alot better then the actual evo hood!
which was exactly what my post said
looks good
alot better looking than the 1's with them scoops in the sides , them are nasty
Phewes wrote:^^ nope.. I think they're back in production. But not under wings west though.
who makes it then?
is that hood CF? i cant tell.

Portage, MI
ViS makes them...i dont know if theirs has the vents on the side or not tho.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS