finally im makin some progress... got around to shaving the side mouldings, that were ugly as sin, got my front back from the body shop after it being mangled up.. its not 100% but he repainted it and fixed it for free so im happy.. i also got my new CAI installed (thanks to blackfire for the cheap price too!!)
now i just have to wait to get rid of my rims and pick up my new set, and then back to the bodyshop for the final touch :wink:
i have some more stuff to do in here.. like fix up the rub marks from whre my old filter banged against the strut tower, get the new RSM strut bar put on, and put the new cf covers and stuff on...
almost spring boys and girls!!!

Insert Funny Saying Here
I hope the dumbass who painted my car remove the driver side door molding cause i want to remove them!
BTW looks good andrew also do you have any weigth in the trunk ?
Its lookin clean i like the whole dark are your tints?
I like it! SOmething about a kitless J that really looks good. Turbo it or do some serious cams!
I'll have a sig someday....................
Nissan for sale drop me a line!
get rid of the soap all over the engine....
other than that looking good
what do u use to clean your car? i really like the color i wish i had an 03 plus
i use water...... i just powerwashed it.....
my tints are 25 in the front and 28 in the back.... as legally dark as i can go

Insert Funny Saying Here
Are you still on the goldlines?
Big Boi wrote:ida left the molding on.
Same here
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
Never heard of it/them.
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
looks good. im gonna steal your ls sport front and rear. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
lookts sweet though.. whats next on the list?
wings west w type skirts and a new set of rims, and then 100% finish off my amp rack and trunk setup

Insert Funny Saying Here
is that strut tower bar the GM bar?
dougall wrote:wings west w type skirts and a new set of rims............................
Hey, thats what im rolling

but im not totally sure my sides are type-W, they say wings west on them never seen them on there site, and i never seen another ride with them. YET

if you know what type they are, please let me know.
/threadjack *OFF
Big Boi, those are the 95-99 Wings West W-Type skirts. I'm selling him the newer style - was gonna put them on my car, but they dont flow as well as I wanted them to.
ah man these ls sport fronts are sexy......i duno if i should go with the RK sport lip or find an ls sport
yes urs are the older style ww ones....
thanks dave for the pic.... look at that sweeeet jump in the background.... oh my i want that LOL

Insert Funny Saying Here
Did your moldings survive the removal process?
Are you interested in selling them?
Noooo how could you change our cars? The side mouldings are sweet!
And you know i want those rims ... badly, i cant find them ANYWHERE around by me.
Damn you dougall, damn you ...
KwkRide: I have a full set of mouldings sitting in my storage locker. Shoot me an email with an offer.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
.JerseyKid. wrote:And you know i want those rims ... badly, i cant find them ANYWHERE around by me.
I offered to ship them to you for dirt cheap and you said you didnt have any
hey jersey kid... mine went up forsale again last night at 10:45, and they were gone at 11:10 LOL.. if u werent so far id for sure sell em to ya lol

Insert Funny Saying Here
deflux wrote:.JerseyKid. wrote:And you know i want those rims ... badly, i cant find them ANYWHERE around by me.
I offered to ship them to you for dirt cheap and you said you didnt have any
LOL , you said 600 with not so good tires. I love them but i want some good tires for a little bit more of the price.