oes anyone have pics of a Manta Green Cav with the BC2 kit? Also Can Anyone find the older post that had pics of a few diff. cars withthe bc2, I searched and have had no luck.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/adamshumard/sig1.gif">
^Damn those are hot! I miss my '00 even more now!
I would like to see this also, I have been trying to do this shop for a while now and most of my attemts have failed. It is a hard color to paint.
Here is my best try:
If anyone else want a try You can use any pics you want from my cardomain page:
I'll have it done as soon as my buddy gets me a good pic
thanks guys.
any pics of cars with bc2 would be nice to see also
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/adamshumard/sig1.gif">