get the new wheels and then.....HOTNESS
get those wheels on and fix the sag in the rear bumper and ur set!! Looks like a good start.
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
unique interior, I like it
Looks sweet! The new wheels will set off the car nicely for sure. Play around bit more with "L" brackets... move them a bit more higher! I love the interior! Great job on the dash and center part of the dash. Its exactly what I wanted for my dash on my car. Keep it up!
- Darren
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Official member of <a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration: none">OntarioCAVS.COM
Looks good, i love the color. I really dig the interior too. I hate your current wheels but the ones you're getting are pretty sweet. Sweet ride, keep it clean.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Hey whats up, cars looking real clean... I finally have my nitrous hooked up finished it last friday. I like the wheels that your gonna be getting, it will set the car off. Ill be stopin at ramchargers again sooner or later. Im sure ill be needing something.
Like you said the cars never finished!!!
2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
im really feeling the interior, my only complaint is that you should have painted all of the mirrors, not the triangular part that attaches it to the car, otherwise hottnesssss
If you're getting rid of that rear bumper Ill take it. Ill pay shipping too and maybe some cash. I just cracked my rear bumper and need a new one. I might be able to get it to fit...worth a try. I also love how the plate hole is shaved in it. looks badass!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
i hate the color, i hate the bomex kit, wheels dont look great, but if you fix the rear bumper its all good. not my style but nothing wrong w/ it.
7 months without a date and counting
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thanks for all the comments guys, deffinatly keeping the clean look thats what ive been trying for. the bumper wouldnt stay up on the brackets i had under it, gonna try some stuff over winter.
chad - i saw you at the desired images show but i didnt stay for very long, was dissapointed i didnt take my car. hows the DIS 2 workin out for ryan?
phewes - thanks alot man. i really like the way your car has come along. i was actaully looking to get the RH C5's in chrome cuz i love em on your ride but damn they cost some coin.
jeremy - im sure you know by now i love your car! freakin hott man. some of my stuff was inspired by yours. thanks for the feedback.
mike - thats awsome you got that nitrous all finished. im sure youll love it, i know i do! keep in touch man
zeetwankyfo - i dont know if or when ill be gettin rid of it, if i do i will let you know since youve been the first to ask.
redcav1 - the seats are from a 92 bravada just swaped the brackets and they went right in.
Ack! Don't get those rims they suck.
Looks good.
The new wheels will definitely set it off better.
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
Ian Lacey wrote:The new wheels will definitely set it off better.
car looks good...great job!