got the front end swap almost done just need to get the headlights to work.
cavalier to sunfire 4 dr
looks like its getting there.. Hows the wiring coming?
<img src="">
I'm picking the harnesses up Friday. so hopefully they'll work this weekend.
as you can tell, i like F-1 fenders :-) keep going.
i am likin it but looks alot like mine lol
keep it up get more pics also
here is some more pics
i also wanted to ask how do i get rid of the gap between the hood and front bumper.
Picking up the harness? I know nothing about wiring and I wired both cars when we did the swap at my place in 15 minutes...
Looking good by the way.
I like the look of the fender off the car, but when you put those ones on, they totally ruin every body-line the cars have. They just don't flow =/
doesn anyone know how i can fix that gap between mt hood and my front bumper by chance. thanxs for the comments.