im looking for a 96 z24 dash. i think its called the bezel? part that goes around hvac stereo and cluster
i need one with a fog light spot.
i live in a small town and no junker has one
so i figured this would be the best place
thanks a bunch
You dont need the bezel(besides it wont fit in your 05). The Z/24 foglight switch is on the same small panel that your dimmer switch is on. So all you need is the dimmer panel from a car with foglights.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, March 15, 2009 10:55 PM
thanks for the info but its really for my buddy his is cracked and broken
Good luck getting one then, most of the ones i have seen in the junkers are broken anyways.
yeah thats what i figured but thanks for the help
If all else fails... EBAY.
yeah thats my last ditch effort for one
im trying to find one kinda soon
so i can do a fiber glassing project
in his car
I have one spare but it is a base model. you will have to switch out the dimmer swich/fog lamp switch. Let me know.
im the one needing the dash bezel so all i need to do is switch out the dimmer with the fog light switch?? btw thnx john for lookin for me
Switch out the dimmer to a dimmer with a fog light switch on it.