Nice work, did mine the same way
They have a multi page post dedicated to this. Nice finished product looks similar to mine.
i looked for it but must of looked right over it... lol and thanks. the gray stands out at night. its primer so if i want to pant it a different color if i want!
Threads like this make me hate my 05 cluster. =(
just do what i did. black cat customs.
expensive for me dude. I'm in Canada =(
Augh, I'm in canada too!
We just have the short end of the stick on EVERYTHING.
I still haven't taken the bulb out of the spare cluster on my 01 yet.
I need to find the led's and figue out how I need to wire them up, resistors and such.
Does anyone know where to get some of those in canada??
Opposed to ordering them and paying the minimum of 30 bucks from
Id love to get some