so i had taken my vehicle up to the dealership where i bought it and had it looked at because my headlight on the drivers side wasnt working properly.. the daytime running lamp worked but the headlight didnt. so long story short there trying to tell me that by tapping into a fuse in the fuse box in the cabin on drivers side it caused the fuse control panel to not work properly and is what made my light not work when turned on.
so my question is where is everyone running there power wire for the stereo? they told me that it voided my electrical warrenty by running a wire to fuse connector to the fuse box. i think its bs and im not very happy but just curious to what everyone else does for power for the stereo
k thanks i will i have a 100 dect for extended warrenty and they arent making me pay more than that for it luckily because it was going to be 600 or more to replace the whole assembly. but they said that the electrical part of the warrenty was void for the fuse panel they said be running the wire in with the fuse it caused the gap to be bigger where the fuse goes in and therefore caused a problem with the headlight
im confused by this i am def taking a look at it before i leave the dealership or paying for the service
if thats the case, make them show you this "gap" which can be fixed with a simple flat head screw driver.
this is why I have NEVER taken my car to a dealership from the day I drove it off the lot.
you dont have a wiring harness for your cd player? your running a wire to a fuse in your fuse box?
no i have a wiring harness but it runs to the fuse box for the power wire.it was installed that way be a local shop. its to a remote wire so when the key is put in the ignition the radio will come on. the radio that came with it when i bought it was just the radio no cassette or cd
^^^i assume hes running the power wire from the harness to the fuse box. mine was hooked up like that in my old Corsica
yes i am. thats how every car i have owned as been its also so if the radio shorts out it pops the fuse not the cd player
your cd player doesnt have a fuse? i never ran mine like that
ya a 10amp fuse but thats the way i have always seen them ran is to the fuse box
ok heres what the told me if i take out the power wire for the radio they will warrenty the repair and the remaining extended warrenty
I used to work in dealers and had to deal with this way to often. Unless you used an "add a fuse" or taped directly into a wire you will have an issue with getting a proper connection at the fuse. You cant just stick a wire in with the fuse blade and have everything be ok. Its the same with probing terminals to check them. If you use the wrong probe the terminal will not make a proper connection. Anyone working in a dealer knows about this, especialy with the micropack 64 terminals. To prove that the connection is not good due to reduced terminal tension all they have to do is a very simple terminal drag test. This is a very common problem with aftermarket parts nowadays.
sounds like you called their bluff. good for you. remove the wire then let them fix the stuff
coming back in 2008...
so take it out, and then install it later, or you could splice onto a switched 12 volt somewhere else.
stupid dealers and trying to get out of warranties
oh ya but they did do a inspection and said that my crankcase had a small oil leak and should be looked at my next oil change also they said my power steering fluid had a leak and that as long as i find a different power source for the cd player that it would be fine
steve whitehead wrote:so take it out, and then install it later, or you could splice onto a switched 12 volt somewhere else.
stupid dealers and trying to get out of warranties
Yes because they should have to pay for something that was caused by aftermarket parts. Work in a dealer for a while and you will understand better. Most dealers will work with you if you are polite about things but when you are a dick to them they will bend you over. I have been involved in several warranty voidings and dont feel at all bad about it. Some things get done that shouldnt be (ie. incorrect install) and the installer should be responsible for the repair, not the manufacture of the product that the aftermarket part was installed in.
^^^i agree to a certain degree....but something as simple and stupid as this.....is just a cop out and you know it.
its not like he ripped out the stearing wheel/airbag and went in asking why it didnt work and for them to fix it. this issue is no more than a 5 minute fix, and thats if you're slow
mitdr774 wrote:Some things get done that shouldnt be (ie. incorrect install) and the installer should be responsible for the repair, not the manufacture of the product that the aftermarket part was installed in.
And around here if a dealer sees a remote start installed in the car they flat out refuse to look at the vehicle and guarantee the customer that the remote start is the cause. So then the customer brings the vehicle back to us complaining and we spend the day troubleshooting the vehicle to find out what is wrong. Then we bring the customer back to the store to see for themselves what is wrong before we put it back together. Then when we submit a bill for our time to the dealership for them not fixing their own problem they refuse to pay us, and I work off of commission! I understand there are hacks who install things that have no business working on cars, but the dealerships need to be more responsible for their side of the problems.
I have fixed may cars that I shouldnt have because of shotty install work of an aftermarket part. I did it because thecustomer was a good one that didnt piss and moan about @!#$ that wasnt the fault of the OEM. They would have paid for the repair or taken it back to the installer if I had told them to. I have sent other customers out the door because they came in with the wrong attitude. I quit counting the number o times that my job was complicated by an aftermarket part that was installed, weather it be from a damaged terminal or the installed system interfeering with the proper operation of the vehicle.
Also the headlight issue isnt always a 5 min fix as suggested. On several J cars i have had to fix multiple splices in the harness for the head lights. Maybe finding a damaged terminal is a 5 min fix but that is besides the point. Its not a cop out, its a non factory part that is connected to a factory system. It was not an installation that was approved by the OEM and therefore should not be the OEMs responsibility to fix.
Really it comes down to how the customer is with the dealer. If you give them the slightest bit of attitude they will tell you to go somewhere else. If you had to deal with the @!#$ I did in the dealer you would understand my point of view better. Commission sucked and I hated to loose work, but sometimes it wasnt worth it to deal with an aftermarket system.
I bet you still got paid for a days work though...
If someone buys a car it is there property not GM's! It is the customers right to do whatever they want with it, but the manufacturers try to force people to keep them stock. Being a dealership, customers are forced to come to you even if you turn them away. Being a shop, we are forced to fix problems that are not ours to maintain a reputation. Customers suck, and if something isn't working they are going to be a pain no matter where they go. This is why the DEI annual training pushes the Magnuson Moss act to remind everyone installing is not voiding any warranty.
I guess it depends on how it was done, I used one of the fuse tap things that plugs directly into the fuse, then you put 2 fuses into it, one for the original fuse and one for the radio, I don't understand how that would have caused problems, I guess there is a very small chance, but if they say to remove it and then they would fix it, what is the big problem.
It is like saying new lug nuts on a car caused a tire to go flat, sure they are connected, but one thing did not likely cause the other.
just the way I see it.
Its like anything, if done correctly, then there will usually be no problem.
and it was done correctly they just wanted something to put the blame on and to get out of the repair however they did fix it for what i would of paid had it been under warrenty
Mennitti wrote:I bet you still got paid for a days work though...
If someone buys a car it is there property not GM's! It is the customers right to do whatever they want with it, but the manufacturers try to force people to keep them stock. Being a dealership, customers are forced to come to you even if you turn them away. Being a shop, we are forced to fix problems that are not ours to maintain a reputation. Customers suck, and if something isn't working they are going to be a pain no matter where they go. This is why the DEI annual training pushes the Magnuson Moss act to remind everyone installing is not voiding any warranty.
Actualy for a 55-60 hour week I was only averaging about 26 hours pay. Do the math, that isnt very much. While it is the customers property it is also the right of the OEM to refuse to repair something that was defective, but rather damaged by something that wasnt approved to be there. I had no way of being paid for fixing something that was the result of a non OEM part that was installed. I spent well over a day dicking with a car that wouldnt start just to find out it was the result of an improper install of a radio, the class 2 wire had been cut and would ground out to the cross car beam. Ground out the class 2 line and you loose all communication on the car. This was not GM's fault and there fore not their responsibility to fix. I got screwed. I have seen far to many remote start systems cause vehicles to not function correctly. Removed the system and repaired all the wires and the car ran fine. SO once again not GM's fault and I didnt get paid.
You guys can preach your Magnuson Moss Act all you want but I can assure you that the dealer and GM can refuse to work on a car.
I have also had to fix way to may independent shop screw ups for next to no pay. The dealer isnt as bad as everyone likes to believe. On quite a few services and repairs we were cheaper than the independents, yet customers still believed they were getting a better deal elsewhere.
If you used the add a fuse then they were just being picky. If you have GMPP on your car I can understand why they wouldnt want to honor it. GMPP sucks to deal with as a dealer. they are worse than GM.