I have been trying to find out the same thing but for a cavalier........ or does the cobalt ss come with them and if they do will it fit in a sunfire or a cavalier??
The srt4's back seats are leather and able to fit with some custom brackets. there was page with pics but i cant track it down
I didn't think the cavaliers did for sure or not, i have never seen one, was more curious then anything... but i heard the cobalt ss has leather and they will fit a cavalier im not sure about a sunfire or if it is even true
sorry im not being much help for either of us but i have been looking for info on it for ya
no they never came in leather
sndsgood wrote:could always have them rewrapped.
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didnt RKsport sell the front seats in leather?
correct me if im wrong here but didnt the cav and s-fire convertibles come with the Rare White leather seats,white was the only color produced in leather, i know they work well inthe coupes(back section at least) i have a drop n vert so kinda easy comparesion lol. the fronts fit and the back seat bottoms fit yet due to the fact that the drops have the top hinges and motors mounted in the iner quarters the back seat got 2-3 inches shorter on the top cause of the top. yet now that i think of it the bottom half of the top section is the same they just changed at the top where its rounded off more instead of straight. i also think that they were nvr produced in the 00 drop just the 95-99 models.
the verts came with a leather-like vinyl. never an actual leather, even though everyone calls it that. they were offered in white and tan but i have never seen or even heard of them in black straight from GM. of course you can always dye or rewrap the stockers like i did.
gto seats are leather and they are supposed to fit with little modification
Lifes a B**ch,
You marry one,
Then you DIE!!
What about the seats out of a Cadillac Cimeron [sp?] ? They were a J-body too afterall. And I could have sworn my friend back in FL had leather in hers, though it was blue.