ok, this summer i want to fiberglass a few things in my car....but i want to get a little practice first...
i'm basically taking seguestions on something fairly small to fiberglass to get a lil practice, i dont want it to cost that much.......and i've read the tut on fiberglassing....and plan to print that out and follow those steps....
does anyone know if theres a fiberglass safe breathing mask thats cheaper then ones in the store....thats sold on ebay?
thanks guys!!
well........as far as a mask. i started with using just a $7 3m mask, but then upgraded to a respirator. your best bet is to get a respirator. they're only $20 or so. maybe cheaper if you look around.
as far as a good project to start with, i started my first time on my gauge bezel. i just shaved the cig lighter off for starters. you could do that, or maybe try glassing your arm rest. maybe even add something to the console.
how do i know if its fiberglass approved or not......or are they all fiberglass safe...
and i'm thinking about buying a gauge column........but i might do the shaving the cig lighter off.....i'm only using it for my radar detector...but plan on making a switch panel with all my electronics in one area....
anyone else have seguestions!??!
My first project was a sub encloser too bad it was stolen from my cav
... As for the face mask get a respirator cause fiberglass resin fumes can kill you.
meh fumes shmumes....i dunno i never wear a resperator....but each to thier own..phil
you want to look for a respirator and on the package it will tell you what it's used for. Find one that works as a chemical vapour mask...
a small project that i did id a guage pod... only took about an hour, and used very little supplies. here it is...
hey another fiberglas question i could make a mold out of foam right lay the resin n mat down n use that as a starting point right ???
i did it before...i got it to work but that was only because i used the foam to get me closer to the shape i needed. the resin will eat right through the foam usless you wrap foil or something of that nature around the foam mold