Ok, so in 2 weeks, my car is getting painted, so while my car is MIA, I am going to paint all my doors panels, and a bunch of other misc. stuff. Now, with the piece of cloth left on the doors, it will look very tacky being surrounded by glossy black and white doors. I want to either remove the cloth and replace it with SOME sort of material, black obviously. What would be a quality material that will hold up to daily wear and tears of arm resting, etc. And I didn't bother to look at this when I removed my door panels the last time, but is the cloth section removable? Like is it held in place with snaps/clips or screws?
I hope that all made sense folks, lemme know if I left some gray areas there. Thx for your help again!
Replace it with vynal it stands up to abuse verywell
Not sure if its diffrent on like 95-99 but that peice is platic welded in you have to cut off all the melted plastic welds and then replace the material. to put it back on I used liquid nails

(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Sweet, Shifted has spoken.

I haven't gone shopping for vynal yet, but is there a thickness, if at all, that I should look for?
Nah just go down to your local arts and srafts store (I went to micheals) or you cna order by the yard off of ebay. Also local upolstery shops will have any and all colors and textures as well.

(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
try these out
ive ordered from both multiple times, and both are great companies to deal with
^^^ That looks sweet man. I like that alot!
what is everyone using to hold the material down cause i used 3m 77 spray and the curved part kept lifting even after 1 week of sitting with weight on it
i used 3M super 77 and its been holding for over 2 years now
my process was this: spray material and arm rest, and let sit for 5 min and get tacky. after tacky, repeat, and let sit 2 or 3 minutes, then lay it down. i used a combination of a baseball to roll out the rounded areas and my hand on flatter ares. then i let it sit in a warm window for a day
thanks eazy
Hmm I'll remember that little tip for later. Thx Eazy!
Even though I molded a Grand Am and Cavlaier door panel together, its still the same basic idea. All I did was rewrap the vinyled portion with the new stuff I bought.
You can see the dingy grey OEM grand am vinyl on the panel laying down compared to the new black pattern stuff I bought. Turned out amazing.
what about headliner material?? i have some left over and i was thinking about using that extra material to replace that fabric on the door panels

...are you trolls that dumb that you cant realize mid 15s is slower then 14s?
has anyone tryed using leather, my friend works for a place that does interior and he can get me leather for a cheap price, will i wear fast like if you rested your arm on it ect..
i used Black velvet on my 88 Buick Regal and it worked nice for the 5 months that it lasted after i did it. Would velvet last long on a DD?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
does any one have the pics or the step by step for taking a cav door apartbottom half and top half
you just have to cut the plastic welds behind the door. you'll know what they are when you look at them
^^^ thats about as step by step as it gets. its really easy!
and liquid nail i have never used that before i assume it is like glues just set and dry??
pretty much, ilike to put weights on top of the piece when its drying, just make sure, lol
im starting to really think about this... Does anyone know how Valvet stands up to daily rubbing and such if it was on the door panels?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
Wild Weasel and his website pulls through again!