All guys on here with aftermarket steering wheels how did you hook up your horn? I really need help from and 03-05 driver on this one unless the horn is the same way in all j's. but once i got everything off of the coulmn there was the red horn wire that I had to disconnect and before I could it poped out off this pink tube right next to the seering coulmn and the end of the wire had a spring on it. I'm not sure if it woudl be easier to just get an aftermarked horn or just try and find the wires for the existing one and try to figure it out from there, and help would be apprecieated. Thanks!!
Which steering wheel did you got??? Most of them have a horn button. If not the horn button is just a ground, so it should be easy!!
I have the Sparco Mugello and what I'm saying is that I have the wires from the buttons, but the red wire back behind the steering wheel (stock) broke off and I can't find the other end of the wire. so I'm not sure what to do.
So I am guessing that no one knows???
thats a good question...
im pretty much wondering the same thing about my steering wheel.

Portage, MI