im planning to get an aftermarket ebrake for my cav 03, has anybody installed one?how did you guys do it?is it hard,thanxs in advance!
here is what i did:
1) Cut off the Handle
2) place the new handle on
3) smack the S#%& out of the new handle till it goes on( i had extra tops for mine so i used a block of wood and a hammer. lol)
1) our ebrake handles have curve to them so it is not a easy swap
2) if you push it to far back your ebrake will be in constant release
3) (atleast for mine) the button will be inside of the handle and a quick release of the ebrake will be hard to due.
4) My cup holder will not hold some soda cups (ie Toco Bell, KFC meal cups) lol and that really sucks on a 600 mile trip to my parents house!
Good luck
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