Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier - Interior Forum

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Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Friday, June 17, 2005 12:24 PM

I'm sitting here looking at my removed gauge cluster, frustrated. I had a nice simple plan to paint the bulbs a translucent red (or change to red bulbs). I've got the entire dash ripped out of my car, the gauge cluster has been removed, and I can see each light attached behind the gauges through some open areas of the gauge cluster (see but can't touch). So close, yet so far away. According to the 96-99 Cavs, you can just trist and pull out the bulbs from the circuit board from behind. No such luck with the 2000+. They are soldered directly onto the circuit board, which CANNOT be removed from the gauge cluster without removing the needles. Since this is apparently impossible, I'm out of luck.

Anyone successfully got at the lights on a 00+ Cavalier? I mean, what happens if one of those things burns out? Must have to replace all the needles..


Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Friday, June 17, 2005 12:37 PM
This guy did it.....standard LEDs back there....I still have no idea how they came off and still work right. check it


a couple of my LEDs are busted in mine

Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Friday, June 17, 2005 2:32 PM
well i have been told, and read on the org, that the bulbs in the 00 up clusters are not replace able. They are throw away parts, meaning if a bulb goes out you buy a new cluster. You will really @!#$ up you cluster if you attempt anything. Since you want red. i suggest doing what i did, and a few other did. buy a 00 up sunfire cluster..... it glows red stock, and in my opinion it looks a hell of alot better too. plugs right in too.
Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Friday, June 17, 2005 2:36 PM
seeing is believing LINK please have an open mind.


Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Saturday, June 18, 2005 10:37 AM
I own a 2000 cav and i have changed my interior lighting to red.

Then thing with the cluster is, it IS repairable if you know what u are doing. Since I solder electronics for a living I know exactly what's possible and what's not.

What i did was get some red bulb covers, sometiems called capsules or "condoms". Try a search on the net, someone sells them.

The KEY thing is to pop off the black cover on the back of the cluster and take a close look at the gauges. At the rear of each gauge u will see that they are soldered to the board. What I did was De-solder these legs from the rear so that i could very gently work the legs out from the circuit board. If you are very careful, and they legs are straight when u are doing this work it will be easier to reinstall the gauges later.

I just slipped some redish coloured covers over the existing lamps and put it back together.

On the reinstall i took my time to realign all the gauges with placing mininal pressure on the needle. It's tricky as u will want to push on the needle to get it in, but try not to. If u push on the needle it might cause damamge to the gauge.

If u have lots of patience u will be ok. key is DO NOT rush, it willl take u a few tries and lots of time to get it done right.

good luck, any ?'s let me know.


Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:47 AM
I see, so instead of removing the needles the conventional way, you desoldered the gauge from the back of the board. Thus no need to remove the needle from its mount. Correct?

Thats a great idea....i believe in the different post above the person did not remove those pieces and just removed the needle which as said cannot be done or everything will be broken. I will give your method a try.

Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:07 PM
Great, thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. I am also considering the Sunfire gauge option that was mentioned above.

So, thanks overall to everyone. Really helpful.
Re: Changing gauge lights on a 00+ Cavalier
Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:56 PM
Yes, just desolder the gauge and you won't have to worry about the needles at all!


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