sweet my bezel will be being shipped to you shortly like we discussed thanks for the support...
Good to see somebody doing this in the states, I had A LOT of people email me seeing what comapany did all my cf work, but it would be to expensive to ship pieces to him then ship them back. At least the Americans have somebody closer to them to possibly get this stuff done so they dont have to pay out the ass to ship to Canada
I would get stuff done but the company that does my work is only a 1.5 hours away from where I live
Good luck, stuff looks really good
You have me me me! Still working on thoughts.
always interested in CF stuff !!!!! ..stuff for a 95 to 99 Sunfire..any ideas ?

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
on the sunfire dashes, that peice that goes along the windshield, that'd be pretty neat done if C/F, and one question about carbon, anyone know if i could wrap an aluminum intake pipe with it?
what about an IDI cover? for the ld9
azncav wrote:what about an IDI cover? for the ld9
ive seen this done once and you have to see if there is high temp resin because it just peeled off after about 1 hour of driving on it...
arrival_04_eco (green98cav) wrote:azncav wrote:what about an IDI cover? for the ld9
ive seen this done once and you have to see if there is high temp resin because it just peeled off after about 1 hour of driving on it...
Then it was not done right. If the epoxy resin is mixed correctly then it will hold up. You have to measure the amount of resin to epoxy in oz, so it has to be very very close.
could I get a quote for a idi cover on a 2.4 a TB cover a fuse cover for the engie bay a battery cover and the top of my center console (00+style) that would be great thanks
Trying to think what is good to wrap/fab up in mine besides everything....hmmmm

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
when mixing your resin out you have to measure sheet of fiber being used and use a calculation that i will have to get back to you on but it tells you how much parta and part b to use to meet the required amount of resin for material too much resin and not enough resin will cause imperfections in the carbon fiber and im curious to how your wrapping these items like what tools and what not. just curious cause i work on the MV-22 which is mostly carbon fiber and we use a couple dif ways ( what is stated above is how i was taught to do carbon fiber but im also doing it on a multi million dollar helicopter that has no room for error).
RIP Cpl Derek Kerns And Cpl Robby Reyes
24th MEU VMM-261 (REIN) V22 Crewchiefs
11 April 2012 Morocco (African Lion)
Now are we talking actual CF pieces or just CF wrapping? Would be awesome if a company could make solid CF pieces..
"You can only feed them semen for so long before their legs fall off."
OEM wrote:Yes u can, it would have a seem, no way around that. Cause it a sheet.
yeah i know there would be a seem, but that could be on the bottom of the intake and not be too noticeable, and where could i buy carbon fiber and all the resin? napa? carquest?
you know what i wanna the vinyle sh** that goes up under the hood of stocks hood like mine carbon fibered, how much to do that?
Just take it off.
"You can only feed them semen for so long before their legs fall off."
Senorguitar wrote:Just take it off.
i know i can take it off but i would really like to see someone make it into a carbon fiber piece and see how it looks.
nice. if my cf person returns my stuff he didn't finish i may get on this. just hesitant cuz now i'd have 3 different people/companies carbon fibered covered pieces.
my carDomain updated 3/2/10 Forged and Supercharged