I had power windows installed, they were working perfectly for about 3 weeks and yesterday, i was rolling up the window and when te window got to the top, i noticed a weird noise.. I proceeded to press button to roll down window and it wouldnt.when i press the button i can hear the motor but window not moving..i took off the door and i see that the window knob is not turning but motor is going..any help?
"No greater love than this that he lay down his life for his friend"....John 15:13
sounds like you broke a cable when putting it up and it hit the top and pressure continued.
so i have to buy a new one?
"No greater love than this that he lay down his life for his friend"....John 15:13
thats what it sounds like since most are sealed units. id contact the manufacturer and see if you can just get the cable assembly.
i contacted them and they said its the motoe, cause the cable is still intact but the transmission isnt spinning
"No greater love than this that he lay down his life for his friend"....John 15:13