Im looking to replace the bags in a 2000 Cavalier. My understanding is that the bags need to come from a 00-02 and the module is 2000 only. 1998 cars are so much easier to find cheap. Can anyone tell me if other year bags would work ?
If possible....why they wont ?(maybe I can change connectors or whatever ?) What else I would have to change to put a set of 98 bags in my 2000 (bcm?)
as far as i know when i replaced them in my 04 the bags had to match 100% all out of same car. Clock Spring/module/both bags- the connections are the same from 95-02 give it a try. if u swap and u dont have an airbag light on ur good
Resurrected J wrote:Clock Spring/module/both bags- the connections are the same from 95-02 give it a try. if u swap and u dont have an airbag light on ur good
Actually, the connections are not the same; 95-02 are not the same. I know because I did this. I wasted money on the cheaper 95-99 airbags and stuff and they did not connect
. The airbags from 95-99 go together and the airbags from 00-02 go together. You
HAVE TO get 00-02 airbags and etc.. for an 00 car. Find a 00-02 car and get the airbags (both sides), the module under the carpet under the passenger side seat, the sensor in front of the the radiator (it has two screws and a yellow clip and it is mounted on that bulky hood latch metal ugly thing), and the clock spring behind the steering wheel airbag. I did mine and did not have to replace the clock-spring, maybe I got lucky. Also, the module that goes underneath the seat has a clear or gray insert in the connection that may differ from each other. What I did was just change it from the old one to the new one. Oh, and don't bump or drop the new parts because damage may occur. Airbags
may explode, the sensor could go bad and the module may go bad as well.
After all this is done there is no airbag light then your good.
not sure if yours are good or if ur need new ones but i have all the airbag parts you need. from a 2002 cavalier z24. everything is good just cant find anyone to sell it too. let me know.
majc wrote:not sure if yours are good or if ur need new ones but i have all the airbag parts you need. from a 2002 cavalier z24. everything is good just cant find anyone to sell it too. let me know.
Im still looking, but unfortunately Im in Ontario Canada so you are too far away for it to be practical to buy yours. Currently my plan is to wait for a parts car.
yep completly understand well good luck