This is an informational post for the .org, for anybody searching in the future. I searched and found no info a few weeks ago... info that would have helped me out.
It has been well questioned as to whether you can use the Isuzu TOB In an NVG... those who have test fitted it found there was a nub in the case that was directly in the way of the lower hydraulic output on the Throwout bearing.
Well, I grinded the trans and made room, and yes it fits, yes it works.
The nub, whatever it's for, has a bolt in it, with a slot underneath... where fluid apparently runs. I got the tranny back in the car, fired the car up and - yup it leaked. Pretty heavily.
So this is for those who want to do this mod... YES you can fit an Isuzu TOB into an NVG T550 trans, but you have to grind a chunk out of it and then fill the hole that you create (it's not big, about 4 mm)... I shall be using JB Weld.
I hope this information helps somebody along the way.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
i used the nvg tob and it works well... now my car had teh swap done before i bought so i will check when i swap motors this weekend.
Do you have a pic of this???
99 Z24
Racers Edge
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance
curious what advantage? why not just use the 550 one? I'm not too familiar with this swap, although I plan on switching to the NVG
ill take pix when i swap the motor today!!!
Ok, there is no advantage other than i couildn't get my hands on an NVG TOB in time, so I went with making room for the Isuzu one.
We put the tranny back in the car and reverse didn't work. wtf. We dropped the trans, opened the case... and yup - the NUB and "bolt" i grinded was the slider and according boss for the reverse gear.
We have it all working now but this is definitely not a worthwhile task unless you wanna disassemble the tranny and fark around with the slider and the bellhousing and some JBWELD. Just get the proper one.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
that sux to hear man... forgot to take pix of it. just wanted to get my car done and not dick around
i did this about a 1 1/2 ago. i was very careful not to grind away too much. just enough to make the TOB to sit flat. no problems as of yet. knocks on wood
Yeah, I bought the NVG TOB for mine. I wasn't about to go and do any grinding on the bellhosuing...
2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R